Sunday, February 08, 2009

The Chris Matthews Show - February 8, 2009

The Chris Matthews Show
February 8, 2009

Tweety: will Obama fail to get a bank bailout again??

Norris: of course he's failure

Mitchell: this is is going to be tough with the GOP opposing it

Brooks: TARP was wasted - so we must enact a new one in a bipartisan way

Tweety: OMG Obama's partisan!!!

Duffy: i know it's terrible he's very partisan!!!

Norris: the Republicans are not partisan they are just standing on principle!!

Brooks: it's horrible and a wish list of liberal stuff

Mitchell: most economists will tell you we all know nothing about anything

Tweety: it's all liberal Fibber McGee shit

Mitchell: Dems are the worst people in the world!!!!

Brooks: OMG Obama is not living in Congress!!

Duffy: it's such a blunder to be liberal in Washington - the Obama presidency is a total failure!!

Norris: the Democrats will lose lots of seats in the midterms!!!

Tweety: OMG I'm about to ask a terrible question!!!

Duffy: OMG Tom Daschle!!!

Mitchell: Obama wanted to reform health care as a favor for Teddy Kennedy

Tweety: not the 40 million uninsured Americans?

Mitchell: never heard of them

Tweety: ha ha ha quote of teh week is from Republicans!!!

Brooks: I'll forgive him Tweety

Tweety: i hate Washington thinking ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!

Norris: Obama hasn't moved the ball for health care he's doooooooomed!!!!

Tweety: Obama has failed to get the Republicans to vote for an important bill this is good news for Republicans

Mitchell: admittedly there is a tiny percentage of bad things in the bill but somehow the media only reported that - boy Obama is bad President

Brooks: wow Obama could have had lots of Republican support if he had done what they had wanted

Tweety: he could be bipartisan if he resigned and appointed a Republican

Duffy: Bi-Partisan!!!!

Norris: his presidency is essentially over

Tweety: ha!!!

Tweety: OMG!!! Obama read to schoolchildren - he's just like Bush on and 9/11 and Clinton being impeached!!!

Norris: um Tweety he was in an inner city DC school

Duffy: what a loser

Tweety: Ha! Hee! Ha!

Norris: Tweets do you have Tourette's or something?

Tweety: Fuck! Shit! Momma!

[ men in white coats show up ]

Tweety: OMG Daschle is just like bailed out banking executives!!

Brooks: i speak for the little people who eat Applebee's

Mitchell: oh noe people are very angry the people who caused the economic crisis

Tweety: why do you say that

Mitchell: you should see the hate mail Alan gets

Duffy: the only good moment Obama has ever had was to bash executives

Tweety: what do you prefer hard or soft option

Mitchell: with Alan it's most soft these days

Norris: the public doesn't understand the stimulus and Obama should sell it

Duffy: i'm very concerned about unemployment - which is why i always bash Dems for GOP failures

Mitchell: Zinni was offered the job of Ambassador to Iraq - then it was taken away why??

Tweety: i love Zinni i blew him 2006

Brooks: John McCain has completely lost his mind

Tweety: ha poor guy!

Tweety: will Obama fail to get a bank bailout again??

Norris: of course he's failure

Mitchell: this is is going to be tough with the GOP opposing it

Brooks: TARP was wasted - so we must enact a new one in a bipartisan way

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