Meet The Press
February 15, 2009
Gregory: Obama is claiming victory - so sell me on the stimulus
Axelrod: our first mission to avoid catastrophe
Gregory: are we aiming for mere misery?
Axelrod: sort of - but we're going to give people jobs and rebuild America at the same time
Gregory: two birds one stone
Axelrod: right
Gregory: will this prevent unemployment reaching 10.0%??
Axelrod: maybe - let's face it, Stupid really fucked up
Gregory: i have some shocking news - McCain's advisor doesn't like your plan
Axelrod: holy shit! [ jumps out window ]
Gregory: come back!
Axelrod: ok [ climbs back in ]
Gregory: Paul Krugman says you're not spending enough
Axelrod: we have a Goldilocks Bill
Gregory: not too much and not little?
Axelrod: exactly it's just right
Gregory: what if you fail?
Axelrod: maybe I'll take your job Greggers
Gregory: The Economist magazine says your bill spend on pork instead of job creation
Axelrod: unlike throwing $9 billion out of an airplane
Gregory: but that was before when money was free
Axelrod: oh right i forgot
Gregory: what else?
Axelrod: we're going to cut taxes and rebuild schools
Gregory: but you're depending on a psychological bounce - while the media is determined to destroy you
Axelrod: but then you'll lose your jobs too!
Gregory: we don't think that far ahead
Gregory: Republicans say your bill was not Republican enough
Axelrod: such a shame - one more GOP bill and we would be invaded by Micronesia
Gregory: also they said you spend you too much
Axelrod: i never heard much about 'generational theft' when the GOP was spending like drunken sailors on tax cuts for their rich friends
Gregory: would you concede it was a mistake to let Democrats write this bill
Axelrod: on sure maybe we should have let Lindsey Graham write it - then it would have really really big debts and higher taxes on poor people
Gregory: now you're talking!
Axelrod: i was kidding Dancin’ Dave
Gregory: Speaking of Republican objections to the bill -
Axelrod: were we?
Gregory: yes - buried in the bill you will have 15 people who will destroy doctors and patients all across America
Axelrod: yes that's exactly what computerized records will do
Gregory: but the Star Chamber Medical Council is allowed to sieze kidneys from people off the street!!!
Axelrod: only white people
Gregory: why you do hate the Chinese and India?
Axelrod: they give me heartburn
Gregory: Wall Street bonuses?
Axelrod: we're not terribly worried about the politcal fallout of going after ovrepaid exectives
Gregory: so sad
Gregory: talk to me about rescuing banks and your idiot puppet Geithner
Axelrod: so the Dow dropped who cares what those idiots think this is all their fault
Gregory: but no one knows what your plan is
Axelrod: it's a secret
Gregory: Nationalize banks?
Axelrod: you mean like the FDIC?
Gregory: never heard of it
Gregory: Should all Americans get a free house?
Axelrod: home values are going down which is very sad
Gregory: but the overvalued homes!
Axelrod: it's a tough problem
Gregory: also should Auto companies go on welfare?
Axelrod: why not bikes or skateboards or shoe companies?
Gregory: Can America survive GM going bankrupt?
Axelrod: only if the unions agree to work for $5 an hour
Gregory: Judd Gregg bravely ran away - what happened
Axelrod: it turned out we wanted a free Democratic seat and he wanted to count only white people in the next census
Gregory: irreconiliable differnces
Gregory: who will get dumped in Commerce?
Axelrod: well he hates Harold Ford - so maybe him
Gregory: Dick Cheney says you love terrorists, hate America, and are too naive to electrify someone's testicles
Axelrod: so much to fun to hear from Dick again - no wonder people hate him so
Gregory: are you having fun being near-President
Axelrod: yeah but i have to stop watching cable tv - it's rotting my brain
Gregory: OMG Obama was the big winner of the week! And he was the Loser of the Week!!
Robinson: oh fer gawd's sake he got an $800 billion spending bill through Congress!!
Gregory: last Sunday everyone in D.C. wrote Obama off - did we speak too soon?
Brownstein: of course this is an amazing achievement - only the pundits could freak out because he didn't get enough GOP votes
Simon: Look Obama had a big win and Obama wins by being rejected by the GOP
Gregory: whoa that's crazy
Straseel: well now we see how the GOP will proceed - thanking Obama for reaching out to them and whining and crying to the media
Gregory: Obama believes in government and the GOP does not
Robinson: it's absurd and insane
Brownstein: for god's sake this week they voted for an alternative bill that would have cost more!!!
Gregory: but that's Bush's very successful policy - ha just kidding
Brownstein: right - we should have an election on that - ha ha
Strassel: no fair people love tax cuts and Obama is the real hypocrite for spending more
Greogry: oh?
Strassel: People are talking about the deficit - it's the next big story
Brownstein: which people?
Strassel: the people I hang out with
Brownstein: where's that?
Strassel: the Starbucks next door to teh Cato Institute
Simon: i hear you but for god's sake the debt is not the biggest problem right now
Robinson: people who have lost their jobs don't care about the fucking debt
Brownstein: obama has things he wants to achieve but also is willing to change tactics to get what he wants
Gregory: fascinating - he's the unBush!
Strassel: Obama failed but not working with liberals
Gregory: he got every vote in Congress
Strassel: but liberal bloggers still aren't happy
Simon: the bank bailout rewards bad behavior
Gregory: well i work for cable news so i can relate to to that
Simon: people hate this process
Gregory: yeah but the populists are wrong - we must reward the Fucktards
Robinson: we must punish the fucktards a little
Brownstein: the real choice America faces is between Japanese Models and Swedish Models
Gregory: plaid miniskirts or bikinis?
Brownstein: these are incredible times
Gregory: how come no one can make any money in America??
Simon: Even Biden thinks we might fail
Robinson: America has dug a whole since 1981 and it won't be easy to get out
Gregory: those were fun times
Gregory: are Americans prepared to get work in sweatshops for a generation?
Brownstein: yes but only people under 75
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The Chris Matthews Show - February 15, 2009
The Chris Matthews Show
February 15, 2009
Matthews: OMG Obama failed to get GOP votes when he got his bill passed!!!
Obama: i didn't want to spend to fix Republicans' fuck-ups
Fineman: Obama did fail to get GOP votes but he did sort of get what he wanted
Kay: i don't think it matters how many GOP votes he got - after all the bill passed
Matthews: Obama told us to vote against him if there is no magic recovery
Guthrie: privately they will admit Obama failed in getting GOP votes
Matthews: What else went wrong?
Guthrie: Liberals loaded it with frivolous pork
Matthews: oh noes
Sullivan: ha ha ha the GOP discovered fiscal conservatism - they're insane and hypocrites
Matthews: but we're in a crisis
Sullivan: which is their fault!
Matthews: but they're the daddy party
Kay: you're so weird
Matthews: Daddyyyyyyy
Matthews: sure obama may rescue America's economy - but what about univerasal health care and flying cars?
Guthrie: there's long-term plans there for example Green jobs
Matthews: do you like Horse and Rabbit stew
Fineman: yes Chris the Democrats are screwed
Matthews: is that what I asked?
Fineman: yes
Matthews: Ha Dems hate bipartisanship!
Matthews: Will the Dems stay united??
Sullivan: we have to persuade the Chinese to keep lending us money by making elderly people get second jobs
Matthews: how does he win a second term
Sullivan: to be a real fiscal conservative
Fineman: he's going to need the GOP
Guthrie: the GOP will eventually give in to the Democrats
Matthews: oh of course also Lucy will someday hold that football
Matthews: OMG PEW poll says we're in a Depression!! - we're all eating a McDonald's and riding Greyhoud!
Fineman: taking the bus?
Matthews: no i'm riding an actual greyhound to work
Kay: Americans need to change their whole lifestyles
Fineman: the American dream is to win a world war and live better off the misery of others
Guthrie: Obama is bringing us down with all his talk about sacrifice
Matthews: why not
Guthrie: what about layaway? Americans are so selfish for not borrowing more!
Sully: exactly i live like a peon in my gilden cage with velvet pillow
Matthews: really?
Sully: what can I say I'm weird
Kay: We're going to have spend 100% of GDP
Tweety: wow!
Fineman: the census is coming which means we have to count all the brown people
Guthrie: the Obamas watched Bejamin Button in the White House last Sunday
Tweety: did they like it?
Guthrie: I'll let you know when it ends
Sullivan: Obama will nationalise banks
Tweety: wow i never knew that
Sully: it's stealth nationalisation - first he replaces all the pens with ones with the White House logo and Obama's face one them
Matthews: investigate torture
Kay: nah why bother
Fineman: the House will go first
Guthrie: Obama isn't going to do it
Sullivan: you're missing the point - the Court system will have to investigate lawsuits which will be filed
Tweets: oh my
February 15, 2009
Matthews: OMG Obama failed to get GOP votes when he got his bill passed!!!
Obama: i didn't want to spend to fix Republicans' fuck-ups
Fineman: Obama did fail to get GOP votes but he did sort of get what he wanted
Kay: i don't think it matters how many GOP votes he got - after all the bill passed
Matthews: Obama told us to vote against him if there is no magic recovery
Guthrie: privately they will admit Obama failed in getting GOP votes
Matthews: What else went wrong?
Guthrie: Liberals loaded it with frivolous pork
Matthews: oh noes
Sullivan: ha ha ha the GOP discovered fiscal conservatism - they're insane and hypocrites
Matthews: but we're in a crisis
Sullivan: which is their fault!
Matthews: but they're the daddy party
Kay: you're so weird
Matthews: Daddyyyyyyy
Matthews: sure obama may rescue America's economy - but what about univerasal health care and flying cars?
Guthrie: there's long-term plans there for example Green jobs
Matthews: do you like Horse and Rabbit stew
Fineman: yes Chris the Democrats are screwed
Matthews: is that what I asked?
Fineman: yes
Matthews: Ha Dems hate bipartisanship!
Matthews: Will the Dems stay united??
Sullivan: we have to persuade the Chinese to keep lending us money by making elderly people get second jobs
Matthews: how does he win a second term
Sullivan: to be a real fiscal conservative
Fineman: he's going to need the GOP
Guthrie: the GOP will eventually give in to the Democrats
Matthews: oh of course also Lucy will someday hold that football
Matthews: OMG PEW poll says we're in a Depression!! - we're all eating a McDonald's and riding Greyhoud!
Fineman: taking the bus?
Matthews: no i'm riding an actual greyhound to work
Kay: Americans need to change their whole lifestyles
Fineman: the American dream is to win a world war and live better off the misery of others
Guthrie: Obama is bringing us down with all his talk about sacrifice
Matthews: why not
Guthrie: what about layaway? Americans are so selfish for not borrowing more!
Sully: exactly i live like a peon in my gilden cage with velvet pillow
Matthews: really?
Sully: what can I say I'm weird
Kay: We're going to have spend 100% of GDP
Tweety: wow!
Fineman: the census is coming which means we have to count all the brown people
Guthrie: the Obamas watched Bejamin Button in the White House last Sunday
Tweety: did they like it?
Guthrie: I'll let you know when it ends
Sullivan: Obama will nationalise banks
Tweety: wow i never knew that
Sully: it's stealth nationalisation - first he replaces all the pens with ones with the White House logo and Obama's face one them
Matthews: investigate torture
Kay: nah why bother
Fineman: the House will go first
Guthrie: Obama isn't going to do it
Sullivan: you're missing the point - the Court system will have to investigate lawsuits which will be filed
Tweets: oh my
Monday, February 09, 2009
Obama Press Conference - February 9, 2009
Press Conference
President Barack Obama
Monday, February 9, 2009
Obama: Hi - Today I was in one of the shittiest economic places in America - in fact local tv interrupt stories about Michael Phelps to tell viewers that their lives really really suck
Audience: ooooh
Obama: if you are still an ignorant fucktard, I suggest you pull your head out of your ass
Now I plan to create 4 million jobs if only the Ayn Randians would kindly get the fuck out of the way
Audience: yeahhh
Obama: we will give $2500 for college, $1,000 to working people, and a dollar for everyone to get the tv they used to get for free
Audience: okayyy
Obama: we're going to invest in roads, bridges, and community theatre - dams, levees, turbines, and goose-resistant planes
Audience: ahhhhh
Obama: and police, firefighters, and increased steriod surveillance for our professional athletes
The Chamber of Commerce and the AFL-CIO Agree: I'm actually black
Audience: wow
Obama: there are no earmarks, pet projects, or money for cats or dogs
Cats: grrrrrrrr
Obama: hey dudes I inherited Bush's crappy economy - and now I Barack Obama am here to fulfill my role of destiny and be America's Magic Negro and rescue you sad, sad white people
AP: Bam you said that America will fail - why do hate America?
Obama: i was talking the language of science - granted, not a real one, economics - but nevertheless i was telling the truth
AP: isn't that highly irresponsible when you run a fake Empire
Obama: hey baby this is the worst the Epic Depression
AP: you mean Great Depression
Obama: no i was talking about the Fall of the Roman Empire
Obama: look some people have this philosphy from Ayn Rand who think FDR was wrong to implement the New Deal and also giving women and darkies the right to vote
Beck: say amen
Obama: genius white people gave me a trillion dollar debt - so if you didn't want this mutt in charge you should't have made me your dictator
Beck: say wha?
Obama: read the fine print doofus
Obama: i sick of motherfuckin snakes on motherfucking planes!!!
AP: to what are you fucking referring?
Obama: fuckin executives on fucking private jets!!
AP: but but the Republicans
Obama: Failed! Epically!
Reuters: Iran - nuke or carpet bomb?
Obama: they're so bellicose - it's very distasteful to someone like me who prefers subtler methods like Jedi mind tricks
Reuters: this isn't the question i was looking for
Obama: sorry about that - anyway I will sit across the table and tell Ahmedinejad very very frankly - nukes are unacceptable and 'dood, Members Only is way out of fashion'
BipartisanChip: What went wrong with your failed Presidency?
Obama: it's the fault of the Atwater-Gingrich-Rove Republicans -- dood I did everything I could to reach out to those lunatics and maybe someday they will stop acting like little babies and when that day comes my door will be open - until then I am the daddy and they are little kids and now it's time for Dad to go to work
Audience: oooo
Obama: there's a set of folks who want to negotiate by saying hey my offer is this nothing - well I'm black not italian and i think we should do something and for the non-dishonest Senators i'd like to have that conversation
Reporter: but the pork!
Obama: ha ha ha yeah coming from the party of waste fraud and abuse and big spending and debts I want to laugh at them, cry and then tell them to fuck off
Obama: I hear Republicans say 'why would you weatherize a building when you could throw that money out of an airplane in a foreign country'??
Reporter: right
Obama: it's like they take pride in being ignorant!
Audience: heh
Obama: or take efficiency in health care - doctors can't write or use computers - or take schools at Harvard one schools is from the 1700s it's terrible!
Reporter: ooh that's true
C-Todd: Sir isn't spending what ruined this economy and isn't it better for people to be noble and poor?
Obama: Toddster I do believe that goatee has sucked the brains outta your haid!
Todd: mooooan
Obama: i know what happened - crazy banks lent money to ever whackjob biped with a name and the ability to sign - well the motherfucking party is over
Todd: [ removes party hat ]
Obama: i didn't come in here ginned up to spend $800 billion on wave pools I had hoped to blow it on the awesomest party ever
Americans: fuck yeah
Obama: calm down -- now in the future my Presidency will be all about being responsible
Americans: [ put away party favors ]
Reporter: tell us the bad news Bam
Bam: The bad news? The bad news??!! Teh bad news is that George Bush was President for 8 years
Reporter: oh
Bam: we barely averted the disaster that was his term in office and now I am in charge and that means no more free rides for obscenely wealthy well-connected idiots from the scum on top of gene pool!
Idiots: aw shit
apper: Sir we are in freefall - how can we as journalists report when your Presidency has officially failed?
Obama: Snake I will create 4 million jobs, then i will restore the credit markets, the restore the housing values, after that i will grow the economy - then finally i will reverse the spin of the earth and bring terry schiavo back to life
Tapped: [ takes notes furiously ] 'spin of earth = fail'
Stupid Ed Henry: will your fulfill pledge to pull all troops out of Afghanistan?
Obama: no i said i would increase troops there and pull them out of Iraq
Ed: oh did you I was in the bathroom in 2008
Obama: it's very sobering to sign all those letters for killed soldiers
Bush: that's why i got lickered up Bammy
[ throws shoe at tv, misses ]
Obama: hey remember how wonderful 9/11 was and we remember it like it was the best fucking day ever well it turns it wasn't so great
American: [ sighs gushes over 9/11 memory ]
Cooper: will require banks to stop using free money on champagne baths and sprinking diamonds on their cereal?
Obama: all i want is for them to use the money to stop eating poor people alive
Garrett: Joe Biden said your Presidency will probably fail - is he right?
Obama: oh joe joe joe - you do realize I hired someone just bumbling enough to make me look good don't you?
Garrett: really?
Obama: plus he's funniest gentile i know
Fletcher: Did you know A-Rod was on the Juice?
Obama: It's too bad because it shows you can be a good looking biracial successful young man and still fuck up
Thomas: Bam Harry Truman once told me i hope one day a black man has access to bomb
Obama: it was always my dream too
Thomas: Pakistan
Obama: it's not acceptable to have whackos living in mountainous caves with impunity - hell with DirectTV they get more NFL games than we do!
Thomas: oh noe
Obama: I will work with Vlad to lean on the Pakistanis - cause they are waaaay crazeee
Huffington Post: Truth and Reconciliation Commision on prosecuting Stupid and Dr. Evil?
Obama: i have this crazy idea about following the law and keeping us safe - now is Mr. Potter broke the law he should be prosecuted just like George Bailey was
Potter: dagnabit
Liasson: will you fail on getting votes from Goppers from now on?
Obama: Mara like i said - all that needs to happen is for the Republican party to sit down, shut the fuck up, and pull their heads out of their goddam asses
GOP: gorp!
Obama: by the way Mara if I had brought the GOP in any earlier they would have been there when my Kenyan father had made sweet love to my white momma
Mara: oh my
Obama: oh did i mention these closeted fuckers have no credibility on anything at all???
Mara: oh poo
Obama: i'm sorry but these assholes piss me off
Obama: now this is what these fuckers do on everything - economics, global warming, flat earth, they just pretend that there is debate and trot out non-experts and it's all fucking bullshit
Mara: but but
Obama: no look I am the eternal optimist that someday the GOP will stop being obstructionist dicks but that's just the kind of happy go lucky motherfucker I am
Good night - i said 'good night fuckers!'
Press Conference
President Barack Obama
Monday, February 9, 2009
Obama: Hi - Today I was in one of the shittiest economic places in America - in fact local tv interrupt stories about Michael Phelps to tell viewers that their lives really really suck
Audience: ooooh
Obama: if you are still an ignorant fucktard, I suggest you pull your head out of your ass
Now I plan to create 4 million jobs if only the Ayn Randians would kindly get the fuck out of the way
Audience: yeahhh
Obama: we will give $2500 for college, $1,000 to working people, and a dollar for everyone to get the tv they used to get for free
Audience: okayyy
Obama: we're going to invest in roads, bridges, and community theatre - dams, levees, turbines, and goose-resistant planes
Audience: ahhhhh
Obama: and police, firefighters, and increased steriod surveillance for our professional athletes
The Chamber of Commerce and the AFL-CIO Agree: I'm actually black
Audience: wow
Obama: there are no earmarks, pet projects, or money for cats or dogs
Cats: grrrrrrrr
Obama: hey dudes I inherited Bush's crappy economy - and now I Barack Obama am here to fulfill my role of destiny and be America's Magic Negro and rescue you sad, sad white people
AP: Bam you said that America will fail - why do hate America?
Obama: i was talking the language of science - granted, not a real one, economics - but nevertheless i was telling the truth
AP: isn't that highly irresponsible when you run a fake Empire
Obama: hey baby this is the worst the Epic Depression
AP: you mean Great Depression
Obama: no i was talking about the Fall of the Roman Empire
Obama: look some people have this philosphy from Ayn Rand who think FDR was wrong to implement the New Deal and also giving women and darkies the right to vote
Beck: say amen
Obama: genius white people gave me a trillion dollar debt - so if you didn't want this mutt in charge you should't have made me your dictator
Beck: say wha?
Obama: read the fine print doofus
Obama: i sick of motherfuckin snakes on motherfucking planes!!!
AP: to what are you fucking referring?
Obama: fuckin executives on fucking private jets!!
AP: but but the Republicans
Obama: Failed! Epically!
Reuters: Iran - nuke or carpet bomb?
Obama: they're so bellicose - it's very distasteful to someone like me who prefers subtler methods like Jedi mind tricks
Reuters: this isn't the question i was looking for
Obama: sorry about that - anyway I will sit across the table and tell Ahmedinejad very very frankly - nukes are unacceptable and 'dood, Members Only is way out of fashion'
BipartisanChip: What went wrong with your failed Presidency?
Obama: it's the fault of the Atwater-Gingrich-Rove Republicans -- dood I did everything I could to reach out to those lunatics and maybe someday they will stop acting like little babies and when that day comes my door will be open - until then I am the daddy and they are little kids and now it's time for Dad to go to work
Audience: oooo
Obama: there's a set of folks who want to negotiate by saying hey my offer is this nothing - well I'm black not italian and i think we should do something and for the non-dishonest Senators i'd like to have that conversation
Reporter: but the pork!
Obama: ha ha ha yeah coming from the party of waste fraud and abuse and big spending and debts I want to laugh at them, cry and then tell them to fuck off
Obama: I hear Republicans say 'why would you weatherize a building when you could throw that money out of an airplane in a foreign country'??
Reporter: right
Obama: it's like they take pride in being ignorant!
Audience: heh
Obama: or take efficiency in health care - doctors can't write or use computers - or take schools at Harvard one schools is from the 1700s it's terrible!
Reporter: ooh that's true
C-Todd: Sir isn't spending what ruined this economy and isn't it better for people to be noble and poor?
Obama: Toddster I do believe that goatee has sucked the brains outta your haid!
Todd: mooooan
Obama: i know what happened - crazy banks lent money to ever whackjob biped with a name and the ability to sign - well the motherfucking party is over
Todd: [ removes party hat ]
Obama: i didn't come in here ginned up to spend $800 billion on wave pools I had hoped to blow it on the awesomest party ever
Americans: fuck yeah
Obama: calm down -- now in the future my Presidency will be all about being responsible
Americans: [ put away party favors ]
Reporter: tell us the bad news Bam
Bam: The bad news? The bad news??!! Teh bad news is that George Bush was President for 8 years
Reporter: oh
Bam: we barely averted the disaster that was his term in office and now I am in charge and that means no more free rides for obscenely wealthy well-connected idiots from the scum on top of gene pool!
Idiots: aw shit
apper: Sir we are in freefall - how can we as journalists report when your Presidency has officially failed?
Obama: Snake I will create 4 million jobs, then i will restore the credit markets, the restore the housing values, after that i will grow the economy - then finally i will reverse the spin of the earth and bring terry schiavo back to life
Tapped: [ takes notes furiously ] 'spin of earth = fail'
Stupid Ed Henry: will your fulfill pledge to pull all troops out of Afghanistan?
Obama: no i said i would increase troops there and pull them out of Iraq
Ed: oh did you I was in the bathroom in 2008
Obama: it's very sobering to sign all those letters for killed soldiers
Bush: that's why i got lickered up Bammy
[ throws shoe at tv, misses ]
Obama: hey remember how wonderful 9/11 was and we remember it like it was the best fucking day ever well it turns it wasn't so great
American: [ sighs gushes over 9/11 memory ]
Cooper: will require banks to stop using free money on champagne baths and sprinking diamonds on their cereal?
Obama: all i want is for them to use the money to stop eating poor people alive
Garrett: Joe Biden said your Presidency will probably fail - is he right?
Obama: oh joe joe joe - you do realize I hired someone just bumbling enough to make me look good don't you?
Garrett: really?
Obama: plus he's funniest gentile i know
Fletcher: Did you know A-Rod was on the Juice?
Obama: It's too bad because it shows you can be a good looking biracial successful young man and still fuck up
Thomas: Bam Harry Truman once told me i hope one day a black man has access to bomb
Obama: it was always my dream too
Thomas: Pakistan
Obama: it's not acceptable to have whackos living in mountainous caves with impunity - hell with DirectTV they get more NFL games than we do!
Thomas: oh noe
Obama: I will work with Vlad to lean on the Pakistanis - cause they are waaaay crazeee
Huffington Post: Truth and Reconciliation Commision on prosecuting Stupid and Dr. Evil?
Obama: i have this crazy idea about following the law and keeping us safe - now is Mr. Potter broke the law he should be prosecuted just like George Bailey was
Potter: dagnabit
Liasson: will you fail on getting votes from Goppers from now on?
Obama: Mara like i said - all that needs to happen is for the Republican party to sit down, shut the fuck up, and pull their heads out of their goddam asses
GOP: gorp!
Obama: by the way Mara if I had brought the GOP in any earlier they would have been there when my Kenyan father had made sweet love to my white momma
Mara: oh my
Obama: oh did i mention these closeted fuckers have no credibility on anything at all???
Mara: oh poo
Obama: i'm sorry but these assholes piss me off
Obama: now this is what these fuckers do on everything - economics, global warming, flat earth, they just pretend that there is debate and trot out non-experts and it's all fucking bullshit
Mara: but but
Obama: no look I am the eternal optimist that someday the GOP will stop being obstructionist dicks but that's just the kind of happy go lucky motherfucker I am
Good night - i said 'good night fuckers!'
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Meet The Press - February 8, 2009
Meet the Press
February 8, 2009
Sen. Claire McCaskill
Sen. John Ensign
Rep. Barney Frank
Rep. Mike Pence
Gregory: wow Obama has a massive package!
Gregory: let's hear from the majority first - John Ensign
Enisgn: I saw the best minds of my generation lost to a bridge to a nowhere
Gregory: what should be done
Ensign: enact all Republican ideas - after all, we won the election
Gregory: ok let's hear from the other side - Congressman Pence
Pence: the American people rejected the worn out tired ideas of Democrats in 2008 - why did you even invite any Dems on the show this morning?
McCaskill: well
Gregory: shut up
Gregory: Congressman Pence we all know Republicans won in 2008 but shouldn't we at least consider the minority party ideas
Pence: no the American people hate tired old liberal ideas
McCaskill: no no no please love us -- all Dems want is for Republicans and the media to love us and admit we can be bipartisan
Pence: no give me more
Ensign: pheh we speak for America not the crazy liberals
Frank: oh suddenly the GOP is concerned about spending - look they want to waste your tax dollars in Iraq but we want to keep cops and firefighters from being laid off
Ensign: that's right - any money that helps people is welfare
Pence: this is one part rule!
Frank: you're damm right it is you loser
Pence: i am willing to let Dems put some of their pet projects in the bill
Frank: big of your asshole
Pence: well after all America belongs to the Republican party
Gregory: Claire admit it this doens't stimulate jobs like dropping cash from the sky on a middle easten country would
McCaskill: that's true
Gregory: why not do what the GOP wants
Ensign: Gregory that's what I've been saying all along
Gregory: [ wags tail ]
Ensign: that's nonsense - we're not going to be laying any firefighters off - the states will be doing that
Frank: this asshole's party wasted hundreds of billions
Ensign: i agreee
Frank: did you filibuster GOP bills
Ensign: [ crickets ]
Gregory: admit it Claire it was all wasteful spending
McCaskill: yes
Pence: can I bring up 9/11 again
Greogry: sure
Pence: look Obama is mean and nasty and partisan but we need tax cuts
Frank: hey psycho why don't you blow me
Greogry: who did all these rotten asssets get on the bank's books??
Frank: gee i don't know - must have been an act of nature
Gregory: it's a mystery
Frank: the credit system is too corrupt to fail
Greogry: who did all these rotten asssets get on the bank's books??
Frank: gee i don't know - must have been an act of nature
Gregory: it's a mystery
Frank: the credit system is too corrupt to fail
Gregory: but a $15,000 tax credit is not going to incentivize me buy a second home in Martha's Vineyard
McCaskill: we have to convince people that giving money to rich people is in their interest
Ensign: i had a good idea
Greogry: which was defeated
Ensign: pheh
Frank: i want to ask executives what they hell they do to earn their bonuses
Gregory: well they don't all get bonsuses
Frank: yes they do
Gregory: we are all stuck in partisan accusations that the banks are getting free money
Pence: this is all the fault of poor black borrowers
Gregory: what's the solution
Pence: amnesty for tax cheats
Frank: jesus christ - the GOP is a party of psychopaths
Gregory: but you also support bank bailouts
Frank: yes but only because we're afraid not to
Gregory: so on one side nutjobs and on the other side cowards
McCaskill: Obama admitted he screwed up and nominated a conservative to Commerce
Ensign: this proves that Washington is incestuous
Gregory: it's crazy - I'm going to ask Luke Russert about this
Frank: hey blame the voters
Gregory: are we really going to bail out more fucking banks?
Frank: why not?
February 8, 2009
Sen. Claire McCaskill
Sen. John Ensign
Rep. Barney Frank
Rep. Mike Pence
Gregory: wow Obama has a massive package!
Gregory: let's hear from the majority first - John Ensign
Enisgn: I saw the best minds of my generation lost to a bridge to a nowhere
Gregory: what should be done
Ensign: enact all Republican ideas - after all, we won the election
Gregory: ok let's hear from the other side - Congressman Pence
Pence: the American people rejected the worn out tired ideas of Democrats in 2008 - why did you even invite any Dems on the show this morning?
McCaskill: well
Gregory: shut up
Gregory: Congressman Pence we all know Republicans won in 2008 but shouldn't we at least consider the minority party ideas
Pence: no the American people hate tired old liberal ideas
McCaskill: no no no please love us -- all Dems want is for Republicans and the media to love us and admit we can be bipartisan
Pence: no give me more
Ensign: pheh we speak for America not the crazy liberals
Frank: oh suddenly the GOP is concerned about spending - look they want to waste your tax dollars in Iraq but we want to keep cops and firefighters from being laid off
Ensign: that's right - any money that helps people is welfare
Pence: this is one part rule!
Frank: you're damm right it is you loser
Pence: i am willing to let Dems put some of their pet projects in the bill
Frank: big of your asshole
Pence: well after all America belongs to the Republican party
Gregory: Claire admit it this doens't stimulate jobs like dropping cash from the sky on a middle easten country would
McCaskill: that's true
Gregory: why not do what the GOP wants
Ensign: Gregory that's what I've been saying all along
Gregory: [ wags tail ]
Ensign: that's nonsense - we're not going to be laying any firefighters off - the states will be doing that
Frank: this asshole's party wasted hundreds of billions
Ensign: i agreee
Frank: did you filibuster GOP bills
Ensign: [ crickets ]
Gregory: admit it Claire it was all wasteful spending
McCaskill: yes
Pence: can I bring up 9/11 again
Greogry: sure
Pence: look Obama is mean and nasty and partisan but we need tax cuts
Frank: hey psycho why don't you blow me
Greogry: who did all these rotten asssets get on the bank's books??
Frank: gee i don't know - must have been an act of nature
Gregory: it's a mystery
Frank: the credit system is too corrupt to fail
Greogry: who did all these rotten asssets get on the bank's books??
Frank: gee i don't know - must have been an act of nature
Gregory: it's a mystery
Frank: the credit system is too corrupt to fail
Gregory: but a $15,000 tax credit is not going to incentivize me buy a second home in Martha's Vineyard
McCaskill: we have to convince people that giving money to rich people is in their interest
Ensign: i had a good idea
Greogry: which was defeated
Ensign: pheh
Frank: i want to ask executives what they hell they do to earn their bonuses
Gregory: well they don't all get bonsuses
Frank: yes they do
Gregory: we are all stuck in partisan accusations that the banks are getting free money
Pence: this is all the fault of poor black borrowers
Gregory: what's the solution
Pence: amnesty for tax cheats
Frank: jesus christ - the GOP is a party of psychopaths
Gregory: but you also support bank bailouts
Frank: yes but only because we're afraid not to
Gregory: so on one side nutjobs and on the other side cowards
McCaskill: Obama admitted he screwed up and nominated a conservative to Commerce
Ensign: this proves that Washington is incestuous
Gregory: it's crazy - I'm going to ask Luke Russert about this
Frank: hey blame the voters
Gregory: are we really going to bail out more fucking banks?
Frank: why not?
The Chris Matthews Show - February 8, 2009
The Chris Matthews Show
February 8, 2009
Tweety: will Obama fail to get a bank bailout again??
Norris: of course he's failure
Mitchell: this is is going to be tough with the GOP opposing it
Brooks: TARP was wasted - so we must enact a new one in a bipartisan way
Tweety: OMG Obama's partisan!!!
Duffy: i know it's terrible he's very partisan!!!
Norris: the Republicans are not partisan they are just standing on principle!!
Brooks: it's horrible and a wish list of liberal stuff
Mitchell: most economists will tell you we all know nothing about anything
Tweety: it's all liberal Fibber McGee shit
Mitchell: Dems are the worst people in the world!!!!
Brooks: OMG Obama is not living in Congress!!
Duffy: it's such a blunder to be liberal in Washington - the Obama presidency is a total failure!!
Norris: the Democrats will lose lots of seats in the midterms!!!
Tweety: OMG I'm about to ask a terrible question!!!
Duffy: OMG Tom Daschle!!!
Mitchell: Obama wanted to reform health care as a favor for Teddy Kennedy
Tweety: not the 40 million uninsured Americans?
Mitchell: never heard of them
Tweety: ha ha ha quote of teh week is from Republicans!!!
Brooks: I'll forgive him Tweety
Tweety: i hate Washington thinking ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!
Norris: Obama hasn't moved the ball for health care he's doooooooomed!!!!
Tweety: Obama has failed to get the Republicans to vote for an important bill this is good news for Republicans
Mitchell: admittedly there is a tiny percentage of bad things in the bill but somehow the media only reported that - boy Obama is bad President
Brooks: wow Obama could have had lots of Republican support if he had done what they had wanted
Tweety: he could be bipartisan if he resigned and appointed a Republican
Duffy: Bi-Partisan!!!!
Norris: his presidency is essentially over
Tweety: ha!!!
Tweety: OMG!!! Obama read to schoolchildren - he's just like Bush on and 9/11 and Clinton being impeached!!!
Norris: um Tweety he was in an inner city DC school
Duffy: what a loser
Tweety: Ha! Hee! Ha!
Norris: Tweets do you have Tourette's or something?
Tweety: Fuck! Shit! Momma!
[ men in white coats show up ]
Tweety: OMG Daschle is just like bailed out banking executives!!
Brooks: i speak for the little people who eat Applebee's
Mitchell: oh noe people are very angry the people who caused the economic crisis
Tweety: why do you say that
Mitchell: you should see the hate mail Alan gets
Duffy: the only good moment Obama has ever had was to bash executives
Tweety: what do you prefer hard or soft option
Mitchell: with Alan it's most soft these days
Norris: the public doesn't understand the stimulus and Obama should sell it
Duffy: i'm very concerned about unemployment - which is why i always bash Dems for GOP failures
Mitchell: Zinni was offered the job of Ambassador to Iraq - then it was taken away why??
Tweety: i love Zinni i blew him 2006
Brooks: John McCain has completely lost his mind
Tweety: ha poor guy!
Tweety: will Obama fail to get a bank bailout again??
Norris: of course he's failure
Mitchell: this is is going to be tough with the GOP opposing it
Brooks: TARP was wasted - so we must enact a new one in a bipartisan way
February 8, 2009
Tweety: will Obama fail to get a bank bailout again??
Norris: of course he's failure
Mitchell: this is is going to be tough with the GOP opposing it
Brooks: TARP was wasted - so we must enact a new one in a bipartisan way
Tweety: OMG Obama's partisan!!!
Duffy: i know it's terrible he's very partisan!!!
Norris: the Republicans are not partisan they are just standing on principle!!
Brooks: it's horrible and a wish list of liberal stuff
Mitchell: most economists will tell you we all know nothing about anything
Tweety: it's all liberal Fibber McGee shit
Mitchell: Dems are the worst people in the world!!!!
Brooks: OMG Obama is not living in Congress!!
Duffy: it's such a blunder to be liberal in Washington - the Obama presidency is a total failure!!
Norris: the Democrats will lose lots of seats in the midterms!!!
Tweety: OMG I'm about to ask a terrible question!!!
Duffy: OMG Tom Daschle!!!
Mitchell: Obama wanted to reform health care as a favor for Teddy Kennedy
Tweety: not the 40 million uninsured Americans?
Mitchell: never heard of them
Tweety: ha ha ha quote of teh week is from Republicans!!!
Brooks: I'll forgive him Tweety
Tweety: i hate Washington thinking ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!
Norris: Obama hasn't moved the ball for health care he's doooooooomed!!!!
Tweety: Obama has failed to get the Republicans to vote for an important bill this is good news for Republicans
Mitchell: admittedly there is a tiny percentage of bad things in the bill but somehow the media only reported that - boy Obama is bad President
Brooks: wow Obama could have had lots of Republican support if he had done what they had wanted
Tweety: he could be bipartisan if he resigned and appointed a Republican
Duffy: Bi-Partisan!!!!
Norris: his presidency is essentially over
Tweety: ha!!!
Tweety: OMG!!! Obama read to schoolchildren - he's just like Bush on and 9/11 and Clinton being impeached!!!
Norris: um Tweety he was in an inner city DC school
Duffy: what a loser
Tweety: Ha! Hee! Ha!
Norris: Tweets do you have Tourette's or something?
Tweety: Fuck! Shit! Momma!
[ men in white coats show up ]
Tweety: OMG Daschle is just like bailed out banking executives!!
Brooks: i speak for the little people who eat Applebee's
Mitchell: oh noe people are very angry the people who caused the economic crisis
Tweety: why do you say that
Mitchell: you should see the hate mail Alan gets
Duffy: the only good moment Obama has ever had was to bash executives
Tweety: what do you prefer hard or soft option
Mitchell: with Alan it's most soft these days
Norris: the public doesn't understand the stimulus and Obama should sell it
Duffy: i'm very concerned about unemployment - which is why i always bash Dems for GOP failures
Mitchell: Zinni was offered the job of Ambassador to Iraq - then it was taken away why??
Tweety: i love Zinni i blew him 2006
Brooks: John McCain has completely lost his mind
Tweety: ha poor guy!
Tweety: will Obama fail to get a bank bailout again??
Norris: of course he's failure
Mitchell: this is is going to be tough with the GOP opposing it
Brooks: TARP was wasted - so we must enact a new one in a bipartisan way
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Meet The Press - February 1, 2009
Meet The Press
February 1, 2009
Sen. John Kerry
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson
Gregory: OMG the stimulus bill passed without GOP votes - its so sad!!
Kerry: we'll improve that bill with a massive ketchup tax break
Gregory: what else
Kerry: food stamps for people in tough straits like John Thain
Gregory: jobs?
Kerry: we will build a new electric griddle
Greogory: let me confront a Republican with the Concord Coalition
Hutchinson: thank you
Hutchinson: we can't afford this big spending what with all the debt we have!
Kerry: where did that from?
Hutchinson: Little goblins took over the government in 2001
Gregory: what spending would you like?
Hutchinson: Military spending - that's permanent unlike shitty bridges which once they're built - no more jobs!
Gregory: Dems are being greedy aren't they -- aren't they ramming through bad ideas like Bush did after 9/11?
Kerry: that's a very good point Gregory even though it is stupid i agree that it's inevitable that Dems ideas are good ideas
Gregory: huh?
Kerry: 50% of schools are 50 years old but I would remind you this is not ramming bills though it's called fucking Democracy and we just had a fucking election
Gregory: all well and good Senator Kerry but the issue here is that all bills but be approved by Republicans
Hutchinson: That is exactly right David - Exactly
Gregory: [ beams, wags tail ]
Hutchinson: who's a good boy??
Greogry: yip yip
Hutchinson: Tax cuts saved America in 2001
Gregory: no one knows the truth -- would you concede?
Hutchinson: oh yes
Kerry: like hell I would - Bush failed in every fucking way
Gregory: but but but-
Kerry: fuck off
Hutchinson: but tax cuts made people go back into the stock market in 2001!!
Kerry: oh yay
Hutchinson: we did have productive spending in the last few years - the war on terror, the war in Iraq
Kerry: Kay the economy sucks
Hutchinson: well that's the fault of the fancy people on Wall Street
Kerry: [ snort ]
Gregory: shovel-ready jobs?
Kerry: yes as long as we fix housing and the banks
Gregory: would you spend more to do it?
Hutchinson: sure but eliminate anything that helps people
Gregory: let me quote Rush Limbaugh issuing a challenge on who is a statesman and who is a reckless hack
Hutchinson: the bloated drug addict is right - there is nice spending that must be removed and tax cuts put in
Gregory: did you not hear the people on election day?
Hutchinson: i agree we need a new electric grill - but if Obama believes Republicans should get what they want he needs to give us what we want
Kerry: oh my god I haven't heard this much whining since my kids were toddlers
Kay: but but-
Gregory: isn't the stimulus bill a total failure if the GOP votes against it?
Kerry: moron
Gregory: bail out banks?
Hutchinson: yes but we should do it Obama's way and not the Stupid way
Gregory: fair enough
Hutchinson: sadly good people were caught in the net of bad loans
Gregory: buy toxic assets?
Kerry: no we should make the shareholders eat the loss
Gregory: oh so sad
Gregory: but whether you like this or not we can all agree we have to bail out the banks
Gregory: what about Sen. Jugg Gredd?
Hutchinson: No Democrats - Juggs would never do that!!
Gregory: what about Tom Daschle?
Kerry: I've known Tom for 25 years and he always picks up a check
Gregory: how shitty is the economy?
Zandi: really very very shitty
Gregory: Steve Ballmer said things really suck
Forbes: oh I disagree we can definitely rebound all we need to do is say "ain't" on tv
Burnett: we consumed like crazy for 25 years and that's gone forever - Generation Y sucks to be you
Gregory: let me go to the ultimate authority on teh economy - the Heritage Foundation - and now for contrast, steve forbes
Forbes: sure asset values have falled for instance my collection of fabrege eggs is worth less but we need to stop whining
Gregory: what's the solution
Forbes: Americans need to stop crying, show initiative and inherit a billion dollars from their weird gay dad
Gregory: well we can't all be Suri
Gregory: What's the answer?
Zandi: Tax cuts
Forbes: Spending alone isn't going to do it - you'll never guess what my answer is?
Greogry: lower income taxes?
Forbes: ha - no! Lower corporate taxes
Gregory: and mark to market
Forbes: so so so so sad
Gregory: why has Obama failed so much?
Burnett: the issue is not private jets - it's that we must bail out the banks or the economy will not grow
Gregory: so how can we help the banks?
Burnett: create a bad bank
Gregory: but we already have Citigroup
Gregory: but this could cost 2 trillion
Zandi: oh no only $500 billion
Gregory: oh is that all
Zandi: the government should buy the bad loans and get a good low price for it
Gregory: and hope and pray things will work out
Gregory: Obama got mad at all the Wall Street bonuses
Burnett: oh I get all so-called outrage and fake populism but you got to understand the people on Wall Street are doing their darndest!
Zandi: this is the risk of giving tax money cause then taxpayers want control which is just crazy - government can't make these decisions!
Gregory: this also applies to the national endowment for the arts right
Burnett: ha ha ha - no
Forbes: hey you take the money you pay the price
Burnett: this populism is very very scary - someone needs to tell the little people to hand over their tax money and shut the fuck up
Meet The Press
February 1, 2009
Sen. John Kerry
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson
Gregory: OMG the stimulus bill passed without GOP votes - its so sad!!
Kerry: we'll improve that bill with a massive ketchup tax break
Gregory: what else
Kerry: food stamps for people in tough straits like John Thain
Gregory: jobs?
Kerry: we will build a new electric griddle
Greogory: let me confront a Republican with the Concord Coalition
Hutchinson: thank you
Hutchinson: we can't afford this big spending what with all the debt we have!
Kerry: where did that from?
Hutchinson: Little goblins took over the government in 2001
Gregory: what spending would you like?
Hutchinson: Military spending - that's permanent unlike shitty bridges which once they're built - no more jobs!
Gregory: Dems are being greedy aren't they -- aren't they ramming through bad ideas like Bush did after 9/11?
Kerry: that's a very good point Gregory even though it is stupid i agree that it's inevitable that Dems ideas are good ideas
Gregory: huh?
Kerry: 50% of schools are 50 years old but I would remind you this is not ramming bills though it's called fucking Democracy and we just had a fucking election
Gregory: all well and good Senator Kerry but the issue here is that all bills but be approved by Republicans
Hutchinson: That is exactly right David - Exactly
Gregory: [ beams, wags tail ]
Hutchinson: who's a good boy??
Greogry: yip yip
Hutchinson: Tax cuts saved America in 2001
Gregory: no one knows the truth -- would you concede?
Hutchinson: oh yes
Kerry: like hell I would - Bush failed in every fucking way
Gregory: but but but-
Kerry: fuck off
Hutchinson: but tax cuts made people go back into the stock market in 2001!!
Kerry: oh yay
Hutchinson: we did have productive spending in the last few years - the war on terror, the war in Iraq
Kerry: Kay the economy sucks
Hutchinson: well that's the fault of the fancy people on Wall Street
Kerry: [ snort ]
Gregory: shovel-ready jobs?
Kerry: yes as long as we fix housing and the banks
Gregory: would you spend more to do it?
Hutchinson: sure but eliminate anything that helps people
Gregory: let me quote Rush Limbaugh issuing a challenge on who is a statesman and who is a reckless hack
Hutchinson: the bloated drug addict is right - there is nice spending that must be removed and tax cuts put in
Gregory: did you not hear the people on election day?
Hutchinson: i agree we need a new electric grill - but if Obama believes Republicans should get what they want he needs to give us what we want
Kerry: oh my god I haven't heard this much whining since my kids were toddlers
Kay: but but-
Gregory: isn't the stimulus bill a total failure if the GOP votes against it?
Kerry: moron
Gregory: bail out banks?
Hutchinson: yes but we should do it Obama's way and not the Stupid way
Gregory: fair enough
Hutchinson: sadly good people were caught in the net of bad loans
Gregory: buy toxic assets?
Kerry: no we should make the shareholders eat the loss
Gregory: oh so sad
Gregory: but whether you like this or not we can all agree we have to bail out the banks
Gregory: what about Sen. Jugg Gredd?
Hutchinson: No Democrats - Juggs would never do that!!
Gregory: what about Tom Daschle?
Kerry: I've known Tom for 25 years and he always picks up a check
Gregory: how shitty is the economy?
Zandi: really very very shitty
Gregory: Steve Ballmer said things really suck
Forbes: oh I disagree we can definitely rebound all we need to do is say "ain't" on tv
Burnett: we consumed like crazy for 25 years and that's gone forever - Generation Y sucks to be you
Gregory: let me go to the ultimate authority on teh economy - the Heritage Foundation - and now for contrast, steve forbes
Forbes: sure asset values have falled for instance my collection of fabrege eggs is worth less but we need to stop whining
Gregory: what's the solution
Forbes: Americans need to stop crying, show initiative and inherit a billion dollars from their weird gay dad
Gregory: well we can't all be Suri
Gregory: What's the answer?
Zandi: Tax cuts
Forbes: Spending alone isn't going to do it - you'll never guess what my answer is?
Greogry: lower income taxes?
Forbes: ha - no! Lower corporate taxes
Gregory: and mark to market
Forbes: so so so so sad
Gregory: why has Obama failed so much?
Burnett: the issue is not private jets - it's that we must bail out the banks or the economy will not grow
Gregory: so how can we help the banks?
Burnett: create a bad bank
Gregory: but we already have Citigroup
Gregory: but this could cost 2 trillion
Zandi: oh no only $500 billion
Gregory: oh is that all
Zandi: the government should buy the bad loans and get a good low price for it
Gregory: and hope and pray things will work out
Gregory: Obama got mad at all the Wall Street bonuses
Burnett: oh I get all so-called outrage and fake populism but you got to understand the people on Wall Street are doing their darndest!
Zandi: this is the risk of giving tax money cause then taxpayers want control which is just crazy - government can't make these decisions!
Gregory: this also applies to the national endowment for the arts right
Burnett: ha ha ha - no
Forbes: hey you take the money you pay the price
Burnett: this populism is very very scary - someone needs to tell the little people to hand over their tax money and shut the fuck up
This Week with George Stephanopoulos - February, 1, 2009
This Week with George Stephanopoulos
February, 1, 2009
Stephanopoulos: Buy American?
Schmidt: screw that - my grandma was a telephone operator and she lost her job to the PhoneBot 2000
Frank: There are British riots hating on Italians - they don't want them taking their Top Chef jobs
Stephanopoulos: that's not good for anyone
DeMint: i have a suggestion - let's cut taxes and regulations!!
Frank: oh yeah that's the problem - not enough regulations
DeMint: [ interrupts ] that's so gai
Frank: shut up ya neocon freak
DeMint: don't call it stimulus when it's government spending
Frank: but it is
DeMint: this is biggest spending ever in history
Frank: no that's the war in Iraq which is apparently free
Stephanopoulos: sorry we're not allowed to talk about that
Frank: well that's the problem isn't it?
FedEx: you have to understand that poor Wall Street types depend on bonuses but then again if you take taxpayer money you should probably not have a $1,400 wastebasket
Stephanopoulos: are teh CEOs idiots?
Schmidt: the best way to compensate CEOs is first with stock and then with taxpayer money
Frank: speaking of the Iraq war this is collateral damage in reverse it’s "collateral benefit" which is when you help people and accidentally aid scumbags
Stephanopoulos: interesting point
Frank: don't underestimate the anger of average American over all this stealing
DeMint: we know cutting taxes jolts the economy immediately
Stephanopoulos: how do we know that?
DeMint: the Heritage Foundation said so
Frank: oh well fuck it then
DeMint: don't call it stimulus when all you are doing is building a bridge - how many Hummers does that buy?
Frank: you are stimulating people from not dying from a collapsed bridge
DeMint: if spending worked America would have the best economy in the world
Frank: Jim why do you hate America??
Stephanopoulos: Obama Failed. To get GOP votes.
Will: Obama let liberals write this bill just because they won the 2008 elections it's outrageous
Stephanopoulos: so?
Will: the protectionism will cost jobs
Stephanopoulos: oh of course
Sanger: the issue is should we kill America like Dems want or fix America like GOP want?
Stephanopoulos: that's it
Woodward: the banks are breaking and liberals want to act without knowing facts - unlike the Bush administration
Stephanopoulos: Obama has failed domestically -
how is he failing internationally?
Radatz: give him time
Stephanopoulos: Afghanistan is Obama's Vietnam
Will: I can't believe Obama got us into Afghanistan it's the size of Texas - is he insane???
Stephanopoulos: who's fault is this?
Will: Obama - and Bill Clinton
Radatz: it's so big the whole idea of going into Afghanistan is crazy!!
Woodward: it's nuts!!
Woodward: When is the peace Obama promised a week ago??? Where is it???
Sanger: he's a failure like Bush!!
Stephanopoulos: so true
Sanger: Obama is going to have invade Pakistan if he aspires to be a great failure like George Bush
Stephanopoulos: should we surrender to the Taliban?
Will: Bush was better because he aspired to greatness and failed where Obama has lower expectations and may succeed
Radatz: the whole idea of being in Afghanistan is ridiculous
Stephanopoulos: did you point this out when Bush was President?
Radatz: no - he gave me a nickname and wiggled his fingers at me once
Woodward: why are we in Afghanistan it's an outrage!!
Radatz: meanwhile Iraq is a paradise
Will: a gangsta's paradise?
Woodward: but but but we have no strategy only a plan!!
Sanger: I agree Obama has made one mistake after another -- first invading Iraq and now Afghanistan
Stephanopoulos: it's crazy
Sanger: Bush was a wonderful President and Obama is very nice but he's no Chimpy
Woodward: speaking from 30,000 feet for a moment
Audience: ban this whiny fucker
Will: the economy here is bad imagine who bad it is in Afghanistan
Stephanopoulos: and all the money Obama wants to spend there!
Sanger: People have begun to understand that Iraq was very expensive
Stephanopoulos: Just in time!
Sanger: and invading Iraq took our eye off the ball in Afghanistan
Stephanopoulos: Truly Obama is a bad President
Radatz: indeed
Woodward: i would like whine some more
[ whine whine whine ]
This Week with George Stephanopoulos
February, 1, 2009
Stephanopoulos: Buy American?
Schmidt: screw that - my grandma was a telephone operator and she lost her job to the PhoneBot 2000
Frank: There are British riots hating on Italians - they don't want them taking their Top Chef jobs
Stephanopoulos: that's not good for anyone
DeMint: i have a suggestion - let's cut taxes and regulations!!
Frank: oh yeah that's the problem - not enough regulations
DeMint: [ interrupts ] that's so gai
Frank: shut up ya neocon freak
DeMint: don't call it stimulus when it's government spending
Frank: but it is
DeMint: this is biggest spending ever in history
Frank: no that's the war in Iraq which is apparently free
Stephanopoulos: sorry we're not allowed to talk about that
Frank: well that's the problem isn't it?
FedEx: you have to understand that poor Wall Street types depend on bonuses but then again if you take taxpayer money you should probably not have a $1,400 wastebasket
Stephanopoulos: are teh CEOs idiots?
Schmidt: the best way to compensate CEOs is first with stock and then with taxpayer money
Frank: speaking of the Iraq war this is collateral damage in reverse it’s "collateral benefit" which is when you help people and accidentally aid scumbags
Stephanopoulos: interesting point
Frank: don't underestimate the anger of average American over all this stealing
DeMint: we know cutting taxes jolts the economy immediately
Stephanopoulos: how do we know that?
DeMint: the Heritage Foundation said so
Frank: oh well fuck it then
DeMint: don't call it stimulus when all you are doing is building a bridge - how many Hummers does that buy?
Frank: you are stimulating people from not dying from a collapsed bridge
DeMint: if spending worked America would have the best economy in the world
Frank: Jim why do you hate America??
Stephanopoulos: Obama Failed. To get GOP votes.
Will: Obama let liberals write this bill just because they won the 2008 elections it's outrageous
Stephanopoulos: so?
Will: the protectionism will cost jobs
Stephanopoulos: oh of course
Sanger: the issue is should we kill America like Dems want or fix America like GOP want?
Stephanopoulos: that's it
Woodward: the banks are breaking and liberals want to act without knowing facts - unlike the Bush administration
Stephanopoulos: Obama has failed domestically -
how is he failing internationally?
Radatz: give him time
Stephanopoulos: Afghanistan is Obama's Vietnam
Will: I can't believe Obama got us into Afghanistan it's the size of Texas - is he insane???
Stephanopoulos: who's fault is this?
Will: Obama - and Bill Clinton
Radatz: it's so big the whole idea of going into Afghanistan is crazy!!
Woodward: it's nuts!!
Woodward: When is the peace Obama promised a week ago??? Where is it???
Sanger: he's a failure like Bush!!
Stephanopoulos: so true
Sanger: Obama is going to have invade Pakistan if he aspires to be a great failure like George Bush
Stephanopoulos: should we surrender to the Taliban?
Will: Bush was better because he aspired to greatness and failed where Obama has lower expectations and may succeed
Radatz: the whole idea of being in Afghanistan is ridiculous
Stephanopoulos: did you point this out when Bush was President?
Radatz: no - he gave me a nickname and wiggled his fingers at me once
Woodward: why are we in Afghanistan it's an outrage!!
Radatz: meanwhile Iraq is a paradise
Will: a gangsta's paradise?
Woodward: but but but we have no strategy only a plan!!
Sanger: I agree Obama has made one mistake after another -- first invading Iraq and now Afghanistan
Stephanopoulos: it's crazy
Sanger: Bush was a wonderful President and Obama is very nice but he's no Chimpy
Woodward: speaking from 30,000 feet for a moment
Audience: ban this whiny fucker
Will: the economy here is bad imagine who bad it is in Afghanistan
Stephanopoulos: and all the money Obama wants to spend there!
Sanger: People have begun to understand that Iraq was very expensive
Stephanopoulos: Just in time!
Sanger: and invading Iraq took our eye off the ball in Afghanistan
Stephanopoulos: Truly Obama is a bad President
Radatz: indeed
Woodward: i would like whine some more
[ whine whine whine ]
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