Tuesday, November 15, 2016

This Week with George Stephanopoulos – November 13, 2016

Brian Ross
Jon Karl
Martha Raddatz
Rudy Giuliani – Trump campaign
Rep. Keith Ellison – (D-MN)

Stephanopoulos: omfg its the biggest
upset in the American political history

Stephanopoulos: jesus fucking christ he's
really going to live in the White Hosue

Stephanopoulos: my god the future fucking
President lives in fucking Trump Tower

Stephanopoulos: people are fucking terrified

Stephanopoulos: but are we seeing
a kinder gentler Donald Trump?

Trump: we owe a debt of gratitude to Hillary

Trump: I have great respect 
for President Obama

Trump: I really like Paul Ryan

Stephanopoulos: this week 
thousands marched against Trump

Stephanopoulos: but racism is
breaking out all over the USA

Stephanopoulos: will he keep 
his crazy-ass promises?

Karl: the chief of staff will either 
be Reice Priebus or the the leader 
of an insane website

Karl: Congress is begging him for Reince

Karl: but the tea party wants Bannon

Stephanopoulos: what does 
Trump really want to?

Karl: Trump is an 'ideas man' 
not a 'details guy'

Stephanopoulos: he wants to keep
the popular parts of Obamacare

Karl: yes he's flip-flopping on that

Stephanopoulos: anything else?

Karl: he wants a big spending
infrastructure bill that would have
been unacceptable under Obama

Stephanopoulos: there are some
real weirdos up for high office

Raddatz: you have to be comfortable
with someone whispering in your ear

Stephanopoulos: true

Rad: you make loyalists happy
by floating the names of crazy people

Stephanopoulos: can he rip up the Iran deal?

Raddatz: no

Stephanopoulos: oh really?

Raddatz: they will just talk tougher

Stephanopoulos: he's taking 
Assad's side in the war

Raddatz: that's good news for Putin

Stephanopoulos: what's their plan for ISIS?

Raddatz: Mike Flynn is planning 
an intelligence surge

Stephanopoulos: there are 4,500
lawsuits against the Donald

Ross: only 30 are really significant

Stephanopoulos: what a relief

Ross: he owes $100 million to a
German bank under federal investigation

Stephanopoulos: he's going to put
his business in a blind trust

Ross: right – it's unprecedented

Stephanopoulos: the President is
exempt from conflict of interest laws

Ross: that's right

Stephanopoulos: thanks Brian

[ break ]

Stephanopoulos: welcome Rudy

Giuliani: nice to be here

Stephanopoulos: are you going
to be Secretary of State?

Giuliani: I shouldn't say

Stephanopoulos: but you want to
work in the White House

Giuliani: no I have a full life

Stephanopoulos: will there be a
special prosecutor of Hillary Clinton?

Giuliani: you don't want to look vindictive
but then again she is an evil criminal

Stephanopoulos: quite a dilemma you have

Giuliani: someone independent 
should look into it

Stephanopoulos: Hillary says she 
would have won but for James 
Comey breaking the rules

Giuliani: no it was hatred of
Obamacare that gave us the election

Stephanopoulos: but Trump is 
keeping Obamacare

Giuliani: Obamacare moved 
the votes in Michigan!

Stephanopoulos: she won the popular vote

Giuliani: Trump has a huge mandate!

Stephanopoulos: oh really

Giuliani: you govern like you're
really popular even if you're not

Stephanopoulos: I see

Giuliani: he won by a lot of states

Stephanopoulos: there's lots of racist
incidents across America
what should Trump do about it?

Giuliani: those crybabies are
exaggerating fears of DJT presidency

Stephanopoulos: perhaps

Giuliani: they're breaking Rudy's Rules!

Stephanopoulos: they are?

Giuliani: you don't take Rudy's Streets!

Stephanopoulos: got it

Giuliani: people die when roads
and bridges are blocked!

Stephanopoulos: can't have that

Giuliani: Clinton and Obama should
tell those protesters to shut the hell up

Stephanopoulos: what about 
all the racist attacks?

Giuliani: anti–Italian activists attacked my car!

Stephanopoulos: is that so

Giuliani: these protesters are professionals!

Stephanopoulos: really?

Giuliani: yes!

Stephanopoulos: if you say so

Giuliani: they didn't look like smart
people they look like dumb capitalists

Stephanopoulos: Trump is intermingling
his business and the Presidency

Giuliani: he'll create a blind trust

Stephanopoulos: there isn't one now

Giuliani: Trump should just be
passive and uninvolved and just
have no decision-making power

Stephanopoulos: of course but what
about his businesses

Giuliani: ha ha ha

Stephanopoulos: thanks for coming

[ break ]

Stephanopoulos: omg Keith Ellison predicted
Trump would the primary and the election!

Stephanopoulos: welcome Congressman

Ellison: hi George

Stephanopoulos: Hillary lost 5 million voters

Ellison: I know

Stephanopoulos: what went wrong?

Ellison: he played on people's 
fears and anxieties

Stephanopoulos: true

Ellison: we should've won Pennsylvania
and Michigan and Wisconsin

Stephanopoulos: but you didn't

Ellison: people are struggling

Stephanopoulos: did James Comey
swing the election?

Ellison: his stupid letter changed
the conservation from the middle class

Stephanopoulos: I see

Ellison: now they're going to privatize
Social Security – congrats America!

Stephanopoulos: Clinton won more
votes and the result is that the GOP
controls the whole government

Ellison: we've got to have a vision to strengthen the grass roots

Stephanopoulos: what else

Ellison: we've got to campaign in 
precincts, cities, towns, villages, 
hamlets and communes

Stephanopoulos: could work

Ellison: we've go to talk to the
folks in the barbershop, diners
and factory workers

Stephanopoulos: Trump says they
are all professional protesters

Ellison: the very first amendment says
we have the right to protest

Stephanopoulos: I suppose

Ellison: we oppose his racism and misogyny!

Stephanopoulos: would support his infrastructure bill?

Ellison: we've been arguing for that for years

Stephanopoulos: that is true

Ellison: maybe he'll keep his promises

Stephanopoulos: do you agree that
you guys need a full time chair of the DNC

Ellison: you have to have the
vision to rebuild the party

Stephanopoulos: what else

Ellison: someone has to mobilize
and inspire people across the country

Stephanopoulos: thanks for coming Keith


mostafashaban said...

شركة تنظيف خزانات بمكة
عندما ترغب في الحصول على مياه على مدار اليوم دون انقطاعها نتيجة إلى مشاكل في خطوط المياه فأن بناء الخزانات هي الحل الأمثل أو اللجوء إلى شراء الخزانات حيث أنها تعمل على حفظ المياه لفترات طويلة ولكن بالطبع يجب أن يتم التعرف على أنواع الخزانات المختلفة حتى يتم شراء الخزان المناسب ولا ننسي ان نظافة الخزان هي التفكير الاول وهذا من خلال شركة تنظيف خزانات بمكة.
أنواع الخزانات
1- يوجد الخزانات المصنوعة من البلاستيك :- تعتبر من أنواع الخزانات القديمة والتي يجب أن يتم مراعاة عوامل الجودة عند شرائها حيث أنه يوجد أنواع لا يمكن أن يتم تخزين المياه فيها لأنها تتفاعل مع المياه محدثة تغيير في خصائص المياه.
2- الخزانات المصنوعة من البلولي يوريثان : تلك الخزانات تعتبر ذات جودة عالية حيث أنها تعمل كنوع من أنواع العوازل الحرارية التي تقوم بالحفاظ على المياه من درجات الحرارة وتعمل تلك الخزانات أيضا على عدم تسرب المياه حيث أنها مقاومة لتسربات المياه بدرجة تقارب المائة في المائة وأيضا يمكن وضع تلك الخزانات في الأماكن العلوية في المباني والأرضية كيفما يرغب العميل كما يتم تنظيفها بكل سهولة وذلك عن طريق شركة غسيل خزانات بمكة.
3- الخزانات المصنوعة من الألياف الزجاجية : تقوم تلك الخزانات أيضا بالحفاظ على درجة حرارة المياه بداخلها وتوجد في أحجام مختلفة يمكن للعميل الاختيار بينها وبالطبع لا تقوم بتغيير خصائص المياه بداخلها .
4- الخزانات العامة : تلك الخزانات تتواجد في المدن السكنية والمجمعات وبالطبع تعتبر تكاليف بنائها كبيرة جدا نظرا إلى مساحتها ولكن يمكن أن يتم بنائها خزانات مصغرة منها للعمائر والشقق وتسمي الخزانات الخراسانية وفي اغلب الأوقات يتم إنشائها في الأماكن التي تتميز بارتفاع درجة الحرارة .
أفضل شركة تنظيف خزانات بمكة
- يجب أن يتم تنظيف الخزانات كل فترة لا تتجاوز 30 يوم وذلك حتى لا نتعرض إلى الأخطار الناتجة من تلوث المياه ومن خلال تنظيف خزانات بمكة تعمل على توفير العمالة المدربة جيدا على النزول إلى الخزانات وتنظيفها من كل الشوائب .
- تنظيف جوانب الخزان جيدا من الطحالب الخضراء .
- يتم التخلص من الرواسب المعدنية التي تتواجد في قاع الخزان وإذا كان السبب تقني نتيجة إلى التركيب فأن الشركة تقوم بإصلاح الأعطال .
- يتم تعقيم الخزان بعد عملية التنظيف باستخدام مادة الكلور حيث يتم وضع 15 ملي لكل 200 لتر من المياه .
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