Sunday, September 13, 2009

60 Minutes with Barack Obama - September 13, 2009


Kroft: you finally resorted to using your jedi mind powers on Congress this week

Obama: it was a last resort

Kroft: can you get GOP votes

Obama: i'm still black - so no

Kroft: you said in your campaign you could get crazy people to agree with each other

Obama: well when i was young i unified white people from Kansas and Africans but the GOP in Congress are out of their fucking minds

Kroft: are you willing to cap malpractice judgments?

Obama: it might help medical practice or not

Kroft: i meant for journalists

Obama: oh

Kroft: the trial lawyers own Congress

Obama: fuck you

Kroft: well that's what the GOP says

Obama: dick

Kroft: you promised the moon and to do it for free

Obama: that's right

Kroft: how can we have health care and pay for it?

Obama: because, stupid, we are already spending the money right now - we're just wasting it

Kroft: you are a crazy big spending liberal

Obama: fuck you

Kroft: you nationalized the auto industry

Obama: no really fuck off

Kroft: but

Obama: fuck. off.

Kroft: but

Obama: Bush was the fucking socialist not me

Kroft: but i get the sense that some people are just worn out with the idea of your melanin

Obama: that's true

Kroft: i mean it's fatiguing every day we wake up the President is still a damm negro

Obama: i know i know

Kroft: people ask you - michael jackson changed his skin color why can't you?

Obama: people do ask that

Kroft: so why not do it?

Obama: MJ was a loon

Kroft: he had a gold casket!

Obama: uh huh

Kroft: Bush brought us the unity of 9/11 and you divided the nation

Obama: yeah

Kroft: were you surprised Joe Wilson yelled out at you?

Obama: yeah I'm black in America - it was a total shock

Kroft: what happened next?

Obama: he followed me around a department store

Kroft: this is a fascinating story

Obama: no it takes away from the debate on health care

Kroft: health care brings out the worst in people

Obama: no the real controversy is helping people and not purposefully killing them

Kroft: so you failed to bring civility back to Washington

Obama: let me put it this way - fuck you



Anonymous said...

Thank god there is no Andy Rooney in this episode. Really, the guy is getting creepy.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Kroft: what happened next?

Obama: he followed me around a department store

Thanks, I go to bed laughing!

Anonymous said...

"Kroft: are you willing to cap malpractice judgments?

Obama: it might help medical practice or not

Kroft: i meant for journalists

Obama: oh?"

Pretty Money.

Less satirically, a key part of the interview, and health care.

Anonymous said...

let me put it this way - aaaaaaMEN.

Would that it were true.