Sunday, April 22, 2012

This Week with George Stephanopoulos - April 22, 2012

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY)
George Will
Donna Brazile
Matthew Dowd
Peggy Noonan
Keith Olbermann
Stephanopoulos: wow the GSA wastes
money and the Secret Service love
them some hookers!

Stephanopoulos: so it took a female
Secret Service agent to clean this up

Collins: maybe if there had a been
a woman down there this wouldn’t
have happened

Maloney: ya think!?

Stephanopoulos: were any underage
women involved?

Collins: that’s what Ted Nugent asked
when the Secret Service stopped by

Stephanopoulos: heh

Collins: why were they bringing strange
women to their hotel in the first place?

Maloney: good question Susan

Stephanopoulos: has this ever
happened before?

Collins: Supervisors were involved
so probably

Stephanopoulos: one of the agents Facebooked
that he was checking out Sarah Palin’s ass

Maloney: what an idiot

Collins: the GSA scandal is really bad!

Stephanopoulos: Mitt Romney agrees
that Mitt Romney is awesome

Maloney: I would like to thank Susan
for voting for the Buffet Rule

[ high five ]

Collins: Most Americans look to the
GSA for moral leadership

Stephanopoulos: Why won’t you endorse
Mitt Romney?

Collins: who?

Stephanopoulos: He’s the Republican
nominee for President

Collins: oh in that case I guess I endorse him

Stephanopoulos: super

[ break ]

Stephanopoulos: how about this
Secret Service scandal?

Will: no one is willing to say no to the Secret Service

Noonan: whatever happened to adultness?

Brazile: these guys are supposed to be
the best of the best - like Top Gun!

Olbermann: they are like priests only
they have sex with grown women

Noonan: it’s cool to be immature in America now!

Dowd: naturally Sarah Palin blamed Barack Obama

Dowd: sadly Americans have lost faith
in our three sacred institutions - 
the Secret Service, professional athletes,
and the media

Brazile: let’s not throw out the baby
with the blowjob

Stephanopoulos: does it blowback to
all of government?

Olbermann: no

Noonan: Barack Obama sent a message
to blow taxpayer money

Dowd: no one is willing to tell the
American people that they suck

Stephanopoulos: interesting

Dowd: our government sucks too

Will: Solyndra!

Brazile: oh bite me George
