Republican Presidential Debate
December 12, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
Washburn: Hi, I'm Carolyn Washburn, and I will hosting this debate under water
Washburn: America is in fiscal freefall -- go!
Rudy: we need to fire half the federal workforce and the answer to debt is to reduce taxes which would be a major boost of revenue to the government
Hunter: we have an 800 billion trade loss to Communist China those little yellow doods are cheating we must eliminate them
Ron Paul: we spend, borrow and tax too much -- the dollar has dropped 10% while i have finished this sentence
Tancredo: we should stop importing oil from brown people and people with crazy religions
Fred Thompson: the fucking chinese hate us and lend us money and george bush has bankrupted this country
Host: what's the answer?
Thompson: re-elect the Republicans
Romney: [powers up]
let's not wring our hands -- the future is bright the answer is good jobs, schools, and health care.
Host: wow that's bold
Huckabee: we can only be free if we can put food on our people, power ourselves and manufacture guns - otherwise we're enslaved
Host: wow slavery that sounds bad
Hucker: let mah people go
McCain: we're on a spending spree but since we can't raise taxes i will fund a Manhattan project to build a city like Manhahttan but here in America
Rudy: government is spending too much this has nothing to do with Americans - it's all about Washington D.C.
Host: wow that's scary where did they come from
Rudy: i dream of America free of washington dc and black people
Host: what's your answer
Rudy: no government medicine or nannies let people shop around for the health care they want
Host: wow that's bold
Rudy: i love boldness
Host: Ron any need for sacrifice?
Paul: there is no need for sacrifice we just pull troops from every one of the 130 countries we are in dammit!
Huckabee: kill the snake!
Host: huh?
Huckabee: americans should lose weight
Host: can we afford to run a deficit?
Romney: no need to make that choice - just eliminate parts of the federal government
Host: which ones?
Mitt: keep the aircraft carriers lose the anti-teen pregnancy programs
Host: w00t!
Tanfeardo: honestly if you think about it we should stop everything but keep federal defense but let's not build a bubble around people with womb to tomb care
Host: ewww
Thompson: we should build more bridges and have a bigger military but we can keep entitlement programs while making money know and that's very brave of me to say
Host: Taxes!?
Keyes: we should ritually sacrifice incumbent politicians they are phonies
McCain: low-income americans don't pay taxes
Host: payroll taxes?
McCain: never heard of 'em
Huckabee: repeal of all income taxes and have a national sales tax!
Mitt: i like teh middle class
Thompson: lucky duckies don't pay income taxes - oh poor rich people
Tancredo: repeal all taxes!
Paul: inflation is the worst tax of all its evil!
Hunter: all taxes are evil what are we wasting all those billions on????
Host: Iraq war, dumbass?
Hunter: no that's free
Rudy: we must reduce all taxes look i bought these magic beans in Washington Square park -- at least i think they're beans
McCain: i will ask every american to serve in teh military
Tancredo: Eeeeeeek!
Hunter: my son is in the middle east and i flew a jet and i built a wall between us and the brown horde
Paul: let's drop the fucking embargo against Cuba oh and we should print all money in gold coins
Mitt: hey i ran duane read which means i know how to deal with China
Host: jesus what kinds of pills were you selling
Mitt: a little lead won't kill you honey
Huckabee: i will eliminate all red tape - i will part it like Moses
Host: and if you're the nomineee the GOP will wander in teh wilderness for 40 years
McCain: i will sell iowa's farming crap to Vietnam - look I've been there i know their Commmissioner of agiculture he tortured me but we're buddies now
Rudy: heh sounds like fun -- look we are a nation of dreams i look on the abused third world as a bunch of potential customers like maybe an impoverished Rwandan village would like to buy a Boeing jet or see Ocean's 14
Host: what else
Rudy: free laptop?
Thompson: wtf is NAFTA?
Tancredo: fucking mexican trucks are coming here oh noes!!!
Hunter: NAFTA sucks - too brown for my taste
Paul: The Constitution is now used to restrain the people, control our wealth, police the world, and put devices in my teeth
Thompson: my number goal as president will be to kick ass all over the world and i will pretend to be a macho guy when elected
Host: show of hands - global warming
Thompson: fuck off
Host: what's you answer
Thompson: what part of 'fuck' or 'off' don't you understand filly
McCain: global warming is real and even it isn't we still leave a clean world is that so bad?
Rudy: yeah what he said
Host: what else
Rudy: Gore was right about everything
Hunter: it's all the animals fault
Rudy: thank god Republicans discovered this issue those liberals have fought us tooth and nail that's terrible
Mitt: the beauty of this we can clean the world but at the same time blame the third world and brown people for it's a win-win!!
Keyes: 5% of Americans have a serious mental illness who speaks for them but me??????
Thompson: hey i do too
Paul: what about me?
Keyes: phony politicans!
Paul: kettle - black dood
Huckabee: like McCain said we could leave a cleaner world but i like alternative energy if only we had a respected former vice president interested in this
Hunter: R&D d00ds!
Host: in what
Hunter: hydrogen we give incentives to private businesses
Host: you mean giveways
Tancredo: i like federal R&D but not government spending
Host: free swim!
Tancredo: the brown hoard is coming and they will take over the nation!!!!
Huckabee: people in america are looking for leaders - good, clean, white, thin, christian, non-mormon, wack-job leaders!
Host: American kids are dumb - discuss
McCain: simple - choice and competition among high schools let them fight over students - let the schools go to war if that's what it takes
Host: anything else
McCain: fire teachers and hire Mayor Bloomberg
Rudy: what kind of crazy person would have government schools run by the government
Host: solution?
Rudy: let people go to private school or home school if they want - then we will see a revolution
Host: but they can do that now stupid
Hunter: i saw this crazy movie in 1987 and we should base american policy on that
Host: dirty dancing?
Hunter: nobody puts Duncan in a corner
Romney: give good students a free four year collge education
Host: good luck with that
Huckabee: federal government should share data like keep a list of kids who are bored in high school
Host: um, that list would have 100 million people
Huckabee: teach art and music
Host: are you sure you are Republicans?
Keyes: can i talk?
Host: no crazy man
Keyes: i will throw a tantrum
Host: [sighs] go ahead looney
HOST: [ sighs ] ron paul do you have anything?
Paul: all kids should be home schooled!!!!
Host: uh-huh
Thompson: the NEA is evil -- that's what Rush Limbaugh says
Host: i give up
Rudy: what kind of crazy person would have government schools run by the government
Host: [sighs] Tancredo - i'm afraid to ask
Tancredo: we have to fire all people in the education departments in all states and the federal government
Huckabee: that dood is crazy
Mitt: our students are stupid but not in taxachsetts!
Host: what's your goal as President?
Rudy: defeat the muslim horde, energy independence, cut taxes, and shrink goverment
Hunter: launch attacks on North Korea, Iran, China, and Mexico
Host: jeebus you are nuts
Paul: bring the troops home from Iraq, stop threatening Iran, turn the Navy around
Tancredo: attack all mexicans there and in this country too - also attack all muslims
Thompson: my first goal would be establish my credibility
Host: how?
Thompson: tell the people judges suck
Mitt: my goals are to go after Jihad, mexicans, and stay on track for taxes, on track for new energy, on track for health insurance for all
Host: dood your Hologram DVD is skipping
Huckabee: i will unite all America under a Banner of Christianity
McCain: Make Americans Safe in Cyberspace
Host: huh
McCain: just do whatever who gives a shit i hate running for president
Keyes: i would sign an executive order making all women handmaids, abolish all taxes, lock up all non-christians, and invade mexico
Host: yeah you are so much more credible than Kuninich - jeesus
Mitt: i want to say to the people of Iowa - i need you help! My son Josh has visited all 99 counties in Iowa and we don't know where the hell he is
Keyes: Arrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhh
Host: [ sighs ]
Rudy: we need an optimistic leader who is willing to bash some skulls
Host: are you a criminal Rudy
Rudy: ha ha ha ha
Host: whacko
Rudy: i'm a criminal what are you gonna do
Host: you remind me of Tony Soprano
Rudy: hey it was all like a bookkeeping error ya know
Keyes: you need to open about who you are - for example i completely insane but do you see me hiding it? No!
[ pirouettes, sings in high pitched voice]
Host: thanks so much
Romney: i like little fetuses now
Rudy: fuck Alan Keyes
Thompson: Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
host: would you care to expand on that
Fred: 2 years ago we thought Iran had nukes so we should only listen to the Israelis
Host: are you bananas
Fred: the NIE is only a piece of paper by a bureaucrat
Huckabee: i hate non christians
McCain: i hate radical islams
Huckabee: people who are poor should still get good health care
Host: ooh radical
Huckabee: founding fathers believed in equality so we should treat people equally
Keyes: Commie!
[ hops one foot ]
Romney: i was built by Noonian Singh in the same lab as Ronald Reagan - don't you want that back???
Hunter: sorry I'm so shocked by mitt's revelation that he's a robot that i forgot the question
Romney: please, the term is android dood
Host: Tancredo you are a wacko aren't you
Tancredo: it's simple we must never ever leave Iraq
Host: oh
Tancredo: but we should stop firing our guns
Host: speaking of crazy - Paul?
Paul: it's not my campaign it's my supporters it's a revolution beyond all party
McCain: i have more experience fucking over the american people than everyone here put together
Host: New Year's Resolution for an opponent!
Keyes: God sent me to do this interpretive dance
[ jumps up and down ]
McCain: fuck this shit
Romney: fuck Huckabee
Huckabee: fuck you
Thomspon: be a better lover to my young wife and father to my grandchild
Tancredo: kill more mexicans
Paul: destroy the Bilderberg group!
Hunter: Buy american
Rudy: i wake up every morning and say at least i'm not black so be grateful people of iowa
Host: and we are out of time [ sighs ]
Thursday, December 13, 2007
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ROFL !!!!!! Keep 'em coming!
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