Meet The Press
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Guest: Senator John Warner
Tim Russert: You said we should withdraw from Iraq why did you say that
Senator Warner: I say this respectfully - because i don't respect Bush at all - Bush said it was all up to Maliki and man I wouldn't trust that dood to run an ice cream stand
Russert: But bush loves him
Warner: He's a complete failure
Russert: you’re trying to get Maliki's attention
Warner: Bush's too - i tried the feather on a string thing but nothing seems to work with President Stupid
Russert: One of Bush's employee's says it would be a step backwards he says if we were to leave and insurgents would immediately take over
Warner: Crimminy that proves my point apparently we've accomplished nothing in 4 years!!!
Russert: Things aren't going great?
Warner: Iraqi troops totally suck
Russert: Peter Pace wants withdrawal
Warner: here's a newsflash Commander Stupid has wrecked our military by sticking them in the desert for 4 years getting shot at
Russert: what happens next
Warner: if had to fight in Iran or North Korea we're fucked
Russert: should we withdrawal?
Warner: Bush has until September 15 to come to his senses
Russert: is Maliki right that Americans should keep troops in his country to prop him up and butt out of his affairs?
Warner: fuck him
Russert: so should we set up timetables and leave
Warner: Tim I just said that but i did it in such a folksy way you didn't get it
Russert: you're like a Mark Twain character
Warner: all i want is for Bush to do what he fucking said he was going to do gosh darn it
Russert: Maliki says al Sadr is a good guy
Warner: oh lawdy lawdy why are we fucking around in this blasted land
Russert: who's side are we on
Warner: it's a fucking struggle for power dood they don't care about America one way or the other
Russert: why can't they all just get along???
Warner: i don't know its a mystery we've bombed the shit out of their country what more could we do
Russert: beats me
Warner: they promised our troops they would deliver Iraq to us by gawd
Russert: what if Bush tells you to go fuck yourself?
Warner: I whipped that boy good last year and he went to general quarters and he created this whole surge business
Russert: but you supported it
Warner: right i want the president to seek the light
Russert: are you all talk or are you going to back it up with action you senile bastard?
Warner: if Bush doesn't make some token gesture in September I willl stick my Virginian boot up his ass
Russert: i don't believe you i think you‘re full of it
Warner: fiddlesticks
Russert: what about your buddies in the Senate
Warner: hey they're scared they will break with Bush they have to or lose office
Russert: they're AWOL
Warner: i'm trying you know i can't get Norm Coleman out of the Senate washroom he stays in there all day sobbing
Russert: are you going to run again you’re 80 years old
Warner: you think you're better than me? I'll wrassil you right here and now Timmy
Russert: hey whatever old man
Warner: i keep a diary - look here's my entry for today: "Dear Diary, today i delivered a beat down on that little punk Tim Russert"

Senator John Warner of Virginia
Thomas Ricks (author of “Fiasco”): the situation in Iraq is even more fucked than you can imagine
Michael Gordon (author of “Cobra II”): it's all politics the US is trying to unite the Sunnis to stop all the fighting
Russert: but arming the sunnis and shiites is insane
Gordon: nobody said it was perfect
Russert: are we dumping Maliki
Richard Engel (NBC News Middle East Bureau Chief): yes he will fall soon and then it will really be fun in Iraq
Russert: solution?
Engel: power sharing is a stupid idea it’s not working
Russert: how do we fix it?
Engel: we admit "blue fingers day" was a disaster and hold new elections and hopefully a new Saddam will emerge
Ricks: troops will be drawn down in April of 2008 -- maybe
Gordon: they have to come down in March of next year
Tim: oh ok
Gordon: the NIE said if we leave we will lose all the gains we've made
Tim: that's awful
Gordon: yes this is inevitable no one even bothers to ask why we're there anymore
Tim: is a civil war inevitable?
Engel: oh yes it's happening right now and also the US troops are primed to say the Democratic Party stabbed them in the back
Russert: Rugtosslegende
Engel: US soldiers are helping old women and children it's all they have
Gordon: the next 3-4 months will determine the future of Iraq
Russert: what will happen
Gordon: i have no idea
Ricks: this is worse than Vietnam because we could walk away from there but the middle east has oil
Engel: eventually US troops will pull back to their bases doing nothing while a war rages around them for 10-15 years
Russert: did you say years???
Engel: yup
Gordon: if we leave the chaos will be even more chaotic
Ricks: we need to get beyond politics and get together and agree on a solution even though there isn't one
Hey that's pretty funny..
You need more "doods" like the Eschathread ones.
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