Gov. Scott Walker - (R-WI)
Sen. John McCain - (R-AZ)
Gov. Haley Barbour - (R-MS)
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver - (D-MO)
Richard Trumka - President AFL-CIO
Lawrence O’Donnell - MSNBC
Kim Strassel - Wall Street Journal
Gregory: Wow Scott Walker had to break unions to
balance the budget!
Walker: damm right I did Fluffy
Gregory: I heard the unions are willing to give
you what you want to balance the budget
Walker: sure but then they objected to their
not existing and I can’t have that
Gregory: so why not take yes for an answer?
Walker: yes but there are a thousand towns across the state and there are unions hiding everywhere
Gregory: really
Walker: right - so we must crush collective bargaining which will take money from our grandchildren
Gregory: what exactly is wrong with
collective bargaining?
Walker: because Barack Obama is bad guy
Gregory: I see
Walker: I tried a 35 hour work week and the
unions said no which meant I had to lay off thousands of people
Gregory: but cops and firefighters are exempt
Walker: look I can’t cross the cops -
did you know they carry guns!?
Gregory: so austerity for everyone but unions who endorsed you
Walker: we can’t afford to piss these unions off -
they do important jobs
Gregory: teachers aren’t important?
Walker: right
Gregory: are you trying to change the course
of history?
Walker: yes
Gregory: so why exempt unions who
supported you?
Walker: I’m trying to change the course of
the history of the Democratic party into
not existing anymore
Gregory: I see
Walker: I make no apologies for standing on principle against unions that don’t endorse me
Gregory: right
Walker: we need to tell the truth - endorse me
or you hate grandchildren
Gregory: are you an ideologue?
Walker: Wisconsin is open for business -
people are ordering pizzas from here from
all over America!
Gregory: how does this end?
Walker: hopefully we crush the basis for financial support for
the Democratic party
Gregory: you said you considered planting troublemakers in the liberal crowd
Walker: yes but I will not allow outsiders to cause violence whether its liberals or me
Gregory: I want to talk about what comes next for the insane leader surrounded by on all sides by hostile forces
Walker: I’m holding up well David
Gregory: I was talking about Gaddafi
Walker: oh right
McCain: We need to enforce a no-fly zone
over Libya!
Gregory: wow
McCain: also we should get tough and demand war crimes trials for anyone who uses violence against people in the middle east
Bush [drunk, at home]: whoa hold on there cowboy
Gregory: Senator McCain is there any chance for a functioning democracy in that far off desert land
McCain: I have high hopes someday we can have basic human rights in Arizona
Gregory: I was talking about Egypt
McCain: People hate dictators - I tried to tell that to George Bush but he wouldn’t listen
Gregory: so where does it end?
McCain: we should stand up for democracy in Iran and if it goes well there we then can try it here
Gregory: Secretary Gates says invading Iraq was completely insane
McCain: yes but we were attacked on 9/11 by Afghanistan and other continents too
Gregory: so your are concerned about being in continents?
McCain: you have no idea Fluffy
Gregory: did the Pentagon try psych ops on you?
McCain: I’ve gone up against the Viet Cong so those tricks won’t work on me
Gregory: but they tried it on many U.S. leaders - doesn’t that concern you?
McCain: look the CIA tried mind control on Sarah Palin but found they had nothing to work with
Gregory: I see
[ break ]
Gregory: Gov. Walker in Wisconsin says to save America we must destroy unions
Trumka: Unions are underpaid, the pension is funded, the unions took his cuts and now he’s threatening layoffs
Gregory: Unions use political clout to elect officials who turn around and give you benefits
Trumka: no that’s the Koch brothers
Gregory: is this about union busting?
Barbour: America is totally broke and it’s time for the hard truth that we must cut taxes for the rich and end collective bargaining for unions
Gregory: the unions already accepted the cuts
Barbour: collective bargaining is not a right golddarnut
O’Donnell: apparently Scott Walker considered sending in troublemakers to make the protestors look bad
Gregory: speaking of that isn’t it terrible to compare Walker to Hitler
Cleaver: when the lion lies down with the lamb the lamb gets eated
Gregory: Obama has created a difficult situation
in Wisconsin
Strassel: Heroes like Walker and Christie have said we must crush unions and the middle class love them for it
Gregory: Obama isn’t doing enough!
O’Donnell: this isn’t about Obama
Gregory: Howard Fineman says the GOP wants
to crush public unions because they support Democrats
Barbour: you have got to destroy unions and every American knows it
Cleaver: the public employees are willing to give concessions and the Gov. Walker said no
Gregory: but the unions compared him to Hitler so he had to take away their rights
O’Donnell: if crushing unions is so popular why not put it to a vote?
Barbour: the people of Wisconsin want to destroy unions - just look at Indiana
Gregory: I see
Barbour: the real victim here is Sarah Palin
Gregory: of course
Cleaver: we should not cut the debt by cutting funds for the poorest Americans
Gregory: interesting thought
Cleaver: Bernanke and Goldman Sachs think too many cuts could hurt the economic recovery
Gregory: but those are all socialists
O’Donnell: we’re talking cuts about in spending only after slashing taxes for the richest
Gregory: does freedom in the middle east imperil the economy
Strassel: Democracy is a tax on our fragile economy
Gregory: oh my god
Strassel: also premature recovery could lead to inflation
Barbour: if we drilled in America more gas
would be free
Gregory: John Thune isn’t running for President which sad because he’s so handsome
Audience: awwww
Gregory: Barbour are your running for President
Barbour: hayyell yayyuss
Trumka: oh please I hope this jackass runs
Gregory: Romney would be electable but he has a problem - he may not be insane enough to win a Republican primary
O’Donnell: yes but that’s true for every GOP candidate not currently in an institution
Strassel: Fiscal responsibility is suddenly a
really big thing
Gregory: that’s a GOP issue since this year
Cleaver: people are going to wake up and realize the GOP is all crazy
Gregory: Awesome and that’s Meet The Press
Sunday, February 27, 2011
This Week with Christiane Amanpour - February 27, 2011
Saif Gadhafi
Saadi Gadhafi
Reza Aslan
Robert Kagan
Jake Tapper
Amanpour: Hi I’m in Libya - Who could write the crazy rants and ravings of Muammar Gadhafi - except Charlie Sheen, of course
Sheen: magic poet Vatican assassin bitch!
Amanpour: I’m on a flight from London to Libya - surprisingly uncrowded
Amanpour: in fact there a thousands of people at the airport - the place is littered with garbage and strewn with starving stranded passengers desperate to get out
Audience: so it’s like Newark airport at Thanksgiving
Amanpour: anti-government protestors are firing guns in the air and are openly mocking Gadhafi
Amanpour: I spoke with Gadhafi’s son Saif -
Obama says Moammur should quit
Saif: We’re holed up in Tripoli and we’re loving it
Amanpour: you say you’re not using violence but why are so many people are being killed
Saif: oh that never happened
Amanpour: why is everybody fleeing the regime
like rats off a ship
Saif: because the ship is sinking
Amanpour: I see
Saif: my enemies are losing - you can’t understand process it because I have magic and poetry in
my fingertips
Amanpour: maybe you should have reformed Libya before the rebellion
Saif: gee I wish I had fucking thought of that Christiane
Amanpour: you were supposed to be a reformer
Saif: the same assholes who stopped me from reforming and now fleeing Libya - fuck those
fickle traitors
Amanpour: you seem somewhat out of touch
with reality
Saif: I’m a Vatican ninja assassin
Amanpour: what about freezing your Swiss bank accounts
Saif: there’s not such things - we’re surrounded
by fools and trolls
[ break ]
Amanpour: will Libya sanctions affect you?
Saadi: I can’t travel - it sucks!
Amanpour: so what will you do now?
Saadi: I need a good lawyer - Dershowitz won’t return my calls!
Amanpour; why are you so upset?
Saadi: I just want a normal life
Amanpour: Other people in Libya want a normal
life too
Saadi: those selfish bastards
Amanpour: what is going on the Middle East?
Saadi: it’s total chaos everywhere
Amanpour: what about freedom?
Saadi: the little people can’t handle freedom
Amanpour: what about your Dad?
Saadi: he’s totally fucked
Amanpour: you lived in Europe where people
have freedom
Saadi: no they have health care so it’s really socialism or really enslavement
Amanpour: is it hard being Gaddafi’s son?
Saadi: the man is a deranged lunatic but he never forgets a birthday
[ break ]
Bowen: the rebels are taking over the country
Amanpour: can they take over Tripoli?
Bowen: oh no they’re just localized rebels -
like on Tatooine
Amanpour: Jake is revolution in the Middle East bad for America?
Tapper: well you could argue democracy is a good thing - on the other hand the price of oil might go
up a penny
Amanpour: well fuck it then
Tapper: also there are some very cooperative dictators around here
Kagan: we’re paying the price now for being too cozy with dictators
Amanpour: maybe but some of them are so nice
Kagan: if we claim democracy and human rights
are universal values then why not for muslims and arabs too?
Amanpour: who are these wacky young Arabs -
do they love America?
Aslan: they’re all virtual and transcend time and space - they live on Facebook and realize they don’t have to support these old dictators
Amanpour: Is Iran the real winner with all these revolutions?
Kagan: why should this movement bypass Iran? That regime is on borrowed time!
Amanpour: What about our good friends in Saudi Arabia?
Tapper: the White House is telling our remaining friends to get out of ahead of reform or they’re going to end of dangling from a lamppost
Aslan: the kids in Iran started a revolution in 2009 and now it’s going to come full circle
Amanpour: ok forget Iran - is this good for al-qaeda?
Kagan: the kids demanding democracy and freedom don’t like the message of hate coming from al-qaeda which is why we need to send troops to Tripoli
Amanpour: thanks
Saif Gadhafi
Saadi Gadhafi
Reza Aslan
Robert Kagan
Jake Tapper
Amanpour: Hi I’m in Libya - Who could write the crazy rants and ravings of Muammar Gadhafi - except Charlie Sheen, of course
Sheen: magic poet Vatican assassin bitch!
Amanpour: I’m on a flight from London to Libya - surprisingly uncrowded
Amanpour: in fact there a thousands of people at the airport - the place is littered with garbage and strewn with starving stranded passengers desperate to get out
Audience: so it’s like Newark airport at Thanksgiving
Amanpour: anti-government protestors are firing guns in the air and are openly mocking Gadhafi
Amanpour: I spoke with Gadhafi’s son Saif -
Obama says Moammur should quit
Saif: We’re holed up in Tripoli and we’re loving it
Amanpour: you say you’re not using violence but why are so many people are being killed
Saif: oh that never happened
Amanpour: why is everybody fleeing the regime
like rats off a ship
Saif: because the ship is sinking
Amanpour: I see
Saif: my enemies are losing - you can’t understand process it because I have magic and poetry in
my fingertips
Amanpour: maybe you should have reformed Libya before the rebellion
Saif: gee I wish I had fucking thought of that Christiane
Amanpour: you were supposed to be a reformer
Saif: the same assholes who stopped me from reforming and now fleeing Libya - fuck those
fickle traitors
Amanpour: you seem somewhat out of touch
with reality
Saif: I’m a Vatican ninja assassin
Amanpour: what about freezing your Swiss bank accounts
Saif: there’s not such things - we’re surrounded
by fools and trolls
[ break ]
Amanpour: will Libya sanctions affect you?
Saadi: I can’t travel - it sucks!
Amanpour: so what will you do now?
Saadi: I need a good lawyer - Dershowitz won’t return my calls!
Amanpour; why are you so upset?
Saadi: I just want a normal life
Amanpour: Other people in Libya want a normal
life too
Saadi: those selfish bastards
Amanpour: what is going on the Middle East?
Saadi: it’s total chaos everywhere
Amanpour: what about freedom?
Saadi: the little people can’t handle freedom
Amanpour: what about your Dad?
Saadi: he’s totally fucked
Amanpour: you lived in Europe where people
have freedom
Saadi: no they have health care so it’s really socialism or really enslavement
Amanpour: is it hard being Gaddafi’s son?
Saadi: the man is a deranged lunatic but he never forgets a birthday
[ break ]
Bowen: the rebels are taking over the country
Amanpour: can they take over Tripoli?
Bowen: oh no they’re just localized rebels -
like on Tatooine
Amanpour: Jake is revolution in the Middle East bad for America?
Tapper: well you could argue democracy is a good thing - on the other hand the price of oil might go
up a penny
Amanpour: well fuck it then
Tapper: also there are some very cooperative dictators around here
Kagan: we’re paying the price now for being too cozy with dictators
Amanpour: maybe but some of them are so nice
Kagan: if we claim democracy and human rights
are universal values then why not for muslims and arabs too?
Amanpour: who are these wacky young Arabs -
do they love America?
Aslan: they’re all virtual and transcend time and space - they live on Facebook and realize they don’t have to support these old dictators
Amanpour: Is Iran the real winner with all these revolutions?
Kagan: why should this movement bypass Iran? That regime is on borrowed time!
Amanpour: What about our good friends in Saudi Arabia?
Tapper: the White House is telling our remaining friends to get out of ahead of reform or they’re going to end of dangling from a lamppost
Aslan: the kids in Iran started a revolution in 2009 and now it’s going to come full circle
Amanpour: ok forget Iran - is this good for al-qaeda?
Kagan: the kids demanding democracy and freedom don’t like the message of hate coming from al-qaeda which is why we need to send troops to Tripoli
Amanpour: thanks
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Meet The Press - February 20, 2011
Dr. Susan Rice - Amb. to the U.N.
Sen. dick Durbin - (D-IL)
Sen. Lindsey Graham - (R-SC)
Jennifer Granholm
Harold Ford
Ed Gillespie
Rick Santelli
Gregory: What’s happening in the Middle east?
Rice: we will stand up for freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of protest whether in strong allies of America like Bahrain
or states like Wisconsin
Gregory: I heard Khadaffi killing people -
how dangerous is Libya?
Rice: It’s extremely dangerous
Gregory: how much
Rice: Protesters are at almost as a great risk as a cast member of Spider-Man
Gregory: my god - what about Bahrain?
Rice: we’ve been very clear in demanding that they please stop crushing democracy
Gregory: can the government survive?
Rice: sure - Obama will probably even be reelected
Gregory: how much democracy are we willing
to tolerate?
Rice: why not have representative government and human rights?
Gregory: but people are confused - you say don’t support abuse of human rights and yet you
come on my show
Rice: good point
Gregory: Doesn’t the U.S. get to determine what happens in every country in the Middle East
Rice: no it doesn’t
Gregory: oh - so sad
Gregory: the U.S. chose to make Mubarak leave Egypt without imposing a new friendly government - wasn’t that a mistake?
Rice: you have some funny ideas Fluffy
Gregory: what if dangerous scary religious
fanatics take over?
Rice: I’m not prepared to talk about the 2012
GOP primary
Gregory: aren’t you terrified of Muslims?
Rice: No I’m not Fluffy
Gregory: Didn’t you anger scary arabs by not condemning Israel at the U.N.?
Rice: I don’t care - we’re trying to make peace Greggers
[ break ]
Gregory: Lindsay isn’t Obama terrible and inconsistent on Middle East democracy?
Graham: no actually - but he’s too timid on Iran
Gregory: will there be a government shutdown?
Durbin: we can’t allow that to happen - our troops could run out of bullets
Graham: after years of lean spending from 1980-2008 Obama suddenly increased the federal budget 80%
Gregory: is there any room for compromise?
Durbin: we already cut $40 billion
Gregory: no you didn’t cut anything - you just spent less money than before
Durbin: balancing the budget is the last thing you want to do in a recession
Gregory: what about ending collective bargaining for state workers?
Graham: Obama is biggest spender since
World War II!
Gregory: wow
Graham: it is inappropriate for a federal official to weigh in on whether the Wisconsin policy is right
Durbin: the governor is trying to destroy unions
Graham: there was referendum held in Wisconsin to end collective bargaining and it was approved
Durbin: no there wasn’t
Graham: But if there had been I wouldn’t be lying
Graham: it was wrong for Obama to express a position on Wisconsin because the governor there is right and we must all support him
Durbin: you’re from South Carolina - how is it
your business?
Gregory: Bowles and Simpson says we should cut social security OMG I knew it!
Durbin: members of the debt commission are meeting in a local Washington DC Starbucks trying to find a way to cut Medicaid
Gregory: why won’t your cut entitlements!?!?!
[ starts sobbbing ]
Durbin: well--
Gregory: hold on - I want to challenge Graham on whether Obama is a terrible President for not cutting Medicare
Graham: We must be courageous and raise the retirement age to 70
Durbin: Social Security has no impact on the deficit
Gregory: [ hands over ears ]
lalalalala I can’t hear you
Graham: let’s be like Saint Reagan and Saint Tip O’Neill and make old people work it’s very disappointing we’re not doing this
[ break ]
Gregory: Is Wisconsin the Tunisia of labor rights?
Granholm: public employees accepted cuts but the governor insisted on breaking the union anyway
Gillespie: Obama shouldn’t have inserted himself on the Wisconsin debate - he should leave that to Senators from South Carolina
Gregory: is this about energizing the base?
Ford: Obama is right - this is an assault on unions
Santelli: those fucking coddled public unions are costing America
Gregory: I see
Santelli: union are terrorists attacking the rest of us
Gregory: Don’t we need to slash spending?
Granholm: People don’t care about spending or the debt - they want goddamn jobs
Gregory: who is winning the austerity conversation?
Ford: I am
Gregory: aren’t all Democrats a bunch of demagogues?
Ford: we must give up all Social Security benefits until we are 70!
Gregory: are the GOP willing to strike a Grand Bargain?
Santelli: the public is going to be thrilled with any politician who promises to eliminate Social Security- so Obama should definitely go first
Gregory: Government shutdown
Granholm: oddly people don’t seem like that
Gillespie: Obama increased spending 24%!
Gregory: wow!
Gillespie: Consumers won’t buy stuff because of the high federal debt and interest rates are so high no business can borrow
Audience: that’s not true
Ford: people don’t want jobs -- they want Social Security slashed
Christie: we must raise the retirement age!
Santelli: we have no choice we must slash spending now!!
Ford: Clinton created a surplus
Santelli: that was a totally different era - there was a dot com revolution and the cold war was ending
Gregory: Of course - and that’s Meet the Press
Dr. Susan Rice - Amb. to the U.N.
Sen. dick Durbin - (D-IL)
Sen. Lindsey Graham - (R-SC)
Jennifer Granholm
Harold Ford
Ed Gillespie
Rick Santelli
Gregory: What’s happening in the Middle east?
Rice: we will stand up for freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of protest whether in strong allies of America like Bahrain
or states like Wisconsin
Gregory: I heard Khadaffi killing people -
how dangerous is Libya?
Rice: It’s extremely dangerous
Gregory: how much
Rice: Protesters are at almost as a great risk as a cast member of Spider-Man
Gregory: my god - what about Bahrain?
Rice: we’ve been very clear in demanding that they please stop crushing democracy
Gregory: can the government survive?
Rice: sure - Obama will probably even be reelected
Gregory: how much democracy are we willing
to tolerate?
Rice: why not have representative government and human rights?
Gregory: but people are confused - you say don’t support abuse of human rights and yet you
come on my show
Rice: good point
Gregory: Doesn’t the U.S. get to determine what happens in every country in the Middle East
Rice: no it doesn’t
Gregory: oh - so sad
Gregory: the U.S. chose to make Mubarak leave Egypt without imposing a new friendly government - wasn’t that a mistake?
Rice: you have some funny ideas Fluffy
Gregory: what if dangerous scary religious
fanatics take over?
Rice: I’m not prepared to talk about the 2012
GOP primary
Gregory: aren’t you terrified of Muslims?
Rice: No I’m not Fluffy
Gregory: Didn’t you anger scary arabs by not condemning Israel at the U.N.?
Rice: I don’t care - we’re trying to make peace Greggers
[ break ]
Gregory: Lindsay isn’t Obama terrible and inconsistent on Middle East democracy?
Graham: no actually - but he’s too timid on Iran
Gregory: will there be a government shutdown?
Durbin: we can’t allow that to happen - our troops could run out of bullets
Graham: after years of lean spending from 1980-2008 Obama suddenly increased the federal budget 80%
Gregory: is there any room for compromise?
Durbin: we already cut $40 billion
Gregory: no you didn’t cut anything - you just spent less money than before
Durbin: balancing the budget is the last thing you want to do in a recession
Gregory: what about ending collective bargaining for state workers?
Graham: Obama is biggest spender since
World War II!
Gregory: wow
Graham: it is inappropriate for a federal official to weigh in on whether the Wisconsin policy is right
Durbin: the governor is trying to destroy unions
Graham: there was referendum held in Wisconsin to end collective bargaining and it was approved
Durbin: no there wasn’t
Graham: But if there had been I wouldn’t be lying
Graham: it was wrong for Obama to express a position on Wisconsin because the governor there is right and we must all support him
Durbin: you’re from South Carolina - how is it
your business?
Gregory: Bowles and Simpson says we should cut social security OMG I knew it!
Durbin: members of the debt commission are meeting in a local Washington DC Starbucks trying to find a way to cut Medicaid
Gregory: why won’t your cut entitlements!?!?!
[ starts sobbbing ]
Durbin: well--
Gregory: hold on - I want to challenge Graham on whether Obama is a terrible President for not cutting Medicare
Graham: We must be courageous and raise the retirement age to 70
Durbin: Social Security has no impact on the deficit
Gregory: [ hands over ears ]
lalalalala I can’t hear you
Graham: let’s be like Saint Reagan and Saint Tip O’Neill and make old people work it’s very disappointing we’re not doing this
[ break ]
Gregory: Is Wisconsin the Tunisia of labor rights?
Granholm: public employees accepted cuts but the governor insisted on breaking the union anyway
Gillespie: Obama shouldn’t have inserted himself on the Wisconsin debate - he should leave that to Senators from South Carolina
Gregory: is this about energizing the base?
Ford: Obama is right - this is an assault on unions
Santelli: those fucking coddled public unions are costing America
Gregory: I see
Santelli: union are terrorists attacking the rest of us
Gregory: Don’t we need to slash spending?
Granholm: People don’t care about spending or the debt - they want goddamn jobs
Gregory: who is winning the austerity conversation?
Ford: I am
Gregory: aren’t all Democrats a bunch of demagogues?
Ford: we must give up all Social Security benefits until we are 70!
Gregory: are the GOP willing to strike a Grand Bargain?
Santelli: the public is going to be thrilled with any politician who promises to eliminate Social Security- so Obama should definitely go first
Gregory: Government shutdown
Granholm: oddly people don’t seem like that
Gillespie: Obama increased spending 24%!
Gregory: wow!
Gillespie: Consumers won’t buy stuff because of the high federal debt and interest rates are so high no business can borrow
Audience: that’s not true
Ford: people don’t want jobs -- they want Social Security slashed
Christie: we must raise the retirement age!
Santelli: we have no choice we must slash spending now!!
Ford: Clinton created a surplus
Santelli: that was a totally different era - there was a dot com revolution and the cold war was ending
Gregory: Of course - and that’s Meet the Press
This Week with Christiane Amanpour - February 20, 2011
Rep. Steve Southerland (R-FL)
George Will
Donna Brazille
Jonathan Karl
Amanpour: holy crap it’s a people’s uprising -
in fucking Wisconsin!
Audience: whoa
Woodruff: there are union members marching and now even the tea party has came to demand public school teachers get their hands off the government
Audience: ah
Woodruff: unions want to keep collective bargaining rights and the tea party want to cut government spending
Teacher: I may have to leave teaching is
this bill passes
Tea partier: my wife is a teacher and this will cost her money but to be honest I never liked her much
Amanpour: Is Wisconsin going to played out
across America?
Will: Obama is a terrible debtor who is now sabotaging brave Wisconsin’s willingness to finally balance the budget on the backs of working people
Brazille: bullshit - these are just workers who want their collective bargaining rights
Southerland: Politicians all around America have no choice but to destroy unions since we’re in a recession
Karl: Obama has to win Wisconsin in 2012 -
also he’s soft on Mubarak
Will: All Walker is proposing is to take long-standing collective bargaining rights for wages - what copswaddle piffle
Brazille: Gov. Walker may hate unions but he thinks its great to give tax breaks to corporations
Southerland: Federal employees have nice pensions which is just wrong
Will: these teachers are getting rich and they abandoned their kids
Southerland: Small banks are being captured by
evil nazi federal regulators
Karl: Walker is trying to end automatic union dues collection which will of course solve Wisconsin’s non-existent budget problem
Amanpour: of course
Karl: no politician in world history was rewarded for making tough choices until Chris Christie came along
Southerland: it’s amazing and wonderful because America is broke
Will: federal budget cuts are very important but they also very very small
Brazille: these cuts affect vital essential programs
for children and the elderly
Will: [ yawns ]
Karl: Boehner is afraid of getting blamed for a government shutdown
Southerland: we had 500 amendments to the budget
Will: these cuts can’t be draconian because American is a big rich country
Brazille: what about the little children in Head Start?
Will: they don’t matter because of the Chevy volt
Brazille: Why I am talking with this bow-tied idiot
Will: balderdash!
Brazille: shut up you foppish twit
Rep. Steve Southerland (R-FL)
George Will
Donna Brazille
Jonathan Karl
Amanpour: holy crap it’s a people’s uprising -
in fucking Wisconsin!
Audience: whoa
Woodruff: there are union members marching and now even the tea party has came to demand public school teachers get their hands off the government
Audience: ah
Woodruff: unions want to keep collective bargaining rights and the tea party want to cut government spending
Teacher: I may have to leave teaching is
this bill passes
Tea partier: my wife is a teacher and this will cost her money but to be honest I never liked her much
Amanpour: Is Wisconsin going to played out
across America?
Will: Obama is a terrible debtor who is now sabotaging brave Wisconsin’s willingness to finally balance the budget on the backs of working people
Brazille: bullshit - these are just workers who want their collective bargaining rights
Southerland: Politicians all around America have no choice but to destroy unions since we’re in a recession
Karl: Obama has to win Wisconsin in 2012 -
also he’s soft on Mubarak
Will: All Walker is proposing is to take long-standing collective bargaining rights for wages - what copswaddle piffle
Brazille: Gov. Walker may hate unions but he thinks its great to give tax breaks to corporations
Southerland: Federal employees have nice pensions which is just wrong
Will: these teachers are getting rich and they abandoned their kids
Southerland: Small banks are being captured by
evil nazi federal regulators
Karl: Walker is trying to end automatic union dues collection which will of course solve Wisconsin’s non-existent budget problem
Amanpour: of course
Karl: no politician in world history was rewarded for making tough choices until Chris Christie came along
Southerland: it’s amazing and wonderful because America is broke
Will: federal budget cuts are very important but they also very very small
Brazille: these cuts affect vital essential programs
for children and the elderly
Will: [ yawns ]
Karl: Boehner is afraid of getting blamed for a government shutdown
Southerland: we had 500 amendments to the budget
Will: these cuts can’t be draconian because American is a big rich country
Brazille: what about the little children in Head Start?
Will: they don’t matter because of the Chevy volt
Brazille: Why I am talking with this bow-tied idiot
Will: balderdash!
Brazille: shut up you foppish twit
Sunday, February 13, 2011
This Week with Christiane Amanpour - Feb. 13, 2011
Newt Gingrich
Sameh Shoukry - Egypt Ambassador to the U.S.
Terry Moran - ABC news
Martha Raddatz - ABC news
Amanpour: whoa ‘people power’ overthrew
a 30-year dictator in Egypt so of course we will talk to Newt Gingrich
Audience: yay
Amanpour: 18 days that shook the world - the people fought for their freedom and democracy
and they won
Audience: wow
Amanpour: last week Mubarak told me he wouldn’t leave but the people wouldn’t accept anything less and the military backed the protesters
Audience: woo hoo
Amanpour: Mubarak tried to stay - but the people were furious and just like that Mubarak was out
Obama: the Egyptian people have demanded democracy which someday may inspire Americans to do the same
Terry Moran: there is already split among protesters - those who want to stay in the square and demand real hope and change those think enough has
been done
Audience: sounds familiar
Amanpour: speaking of out-of-touch egomaniacs - here’s Newt Gingrich
Amanpour: you called Obama timid, confused and amateurish
Gingrich: right Obama is weak and stupid and just keeps getting lucky
Amanpour: so what would have done about Egypt?
Gingrich: I would tell Mubarak privately and quietly he must leave but you must never abandon an ally or our dictator friends will think we don’t support dictators like Mubarak which we don’t
Amanpour: don’t you think they will figure it out when Mubarak updates his Facebook page?
Gingrich: no they don’t get the Internet in Syria
or Texas
Amanpour: you loved Mubarak once - not without cause
Gingrich: right - look my position is very very clear - we should maintain two conflicting policies
Amanpour: Obama openly supported the protesters
Gingrich: but he cut funds to them
Amanpour: so you support democracy there?
Gingrich: no I don’t because the Muslim Brotherhood is scary
Amanpour: so what do we do now?
Gingrich: threaten to pull our $1 billion in aid if they don’t put in a friendly government
Amanpour: why would you do that
Gingrich: because America stands for freedom
Amanpour: what does that mean concretely?
Gingrich: demand the Muslim Brotherhood be banned from participation in democracy
Amanpour: why would you do that?
Gingrich: they are conservative radicals who have a 30-year to plan to take over the government starting with the schools
Amanpour: I didn’t know the tea party was in Egypt
Amanpour: How do you reconcile democracy with fear of Muslims?
Gingrich: Did you know Adolf Hitler was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Zimbabwe?
Amanpour: you are fascinating - are you running
for President?
Gingrich: yes - it’s a great way to scam money from people
Amanpour: excellent
[ break ]
Amanpour: Who is in charge of Egypt?
Shoukry: the Supreme Military Council
Amanpour: that’s very comforting - but what
about democracy?
Shoukry: we’ll get to that in due time
Amanpour: what about the Emergency Law?
Shoukry: we need to keep that - this is a real emergency
Amanpour: and elections?
Shoukry: we will have those in a year or ten
Amanpour: nice - will the new government be pro-America?
Shoukry: it will be pro-Egypt
Amanpour: where is Mubarak?
Shoukry: I’m not sure - he Tweeted me from Disneyworld
Amanpour: what about the peace treaty with Israel?
Shoukry: it’s very nice - after all who wants war?
Amanpour: George Bush did
Shoukry: ah but he said he didn’t
Amanpour: that’s what worries me
Martha Raddatz: People in Yemen are protesting
but it’s scary because it’s a major breeding ground for al-qaeda
Audience: oooh
Raddatz: the failed underpants bomber was trained in Yemen
Audience: eeek
Radd: the U.S. has given Yemen’s military $250 million to fight al-qaeda and it is stronger than ever
Audience: umm ok
Radd: then the U.S. government killed a few
Yemen civilians
Audience: oops sorry
Yemenis: kaithnx America
Newt Gingrich
Sameh Shoukry - Egypt Ambassador to the U.S.
Terry Moran - ABC news
Martha Raddatz - ABC news
Amanpour: whoa ‘people power’ overthrew
a 30-year dictator in Egypt so of course we will talk to Newt Gingrich
Audience: yay
Amanpour: 18 days that shook the world - the people fought for their freedom and democracy
and they won
Audience: wow
Amanpour: last week Mubarak told me he wouldn’t leave but the people wouldn’t accept anything less and the military backed the protesters
Audience: woo hoo
Amanpour: Mubarak tried to stay - but the people were furious and just like that Mubarak was out
Obama: the Egyptian people have demanded democracy which someday may inspire Americans to do the same
Terry Moran: there is already split among protesters - those who want to stay in the square and demand real hope and change those think enough has
been done
Audience: sounds familiar
Amanpour: speaking of out-of-touch egomaniacs - here’s Newt Gingrich
Amanpour: you called Obama timid, confused and amateurish
Gingrich: right Obama is weak and stupid and just keeps getting lucky
Amanpour: so what would have done about Egypt?
Gingrich: I would tell Mubarak privately and quietly he must leave but you must never abandon an ally or our dictator friends will think we don’t support dictators like Mubarak which we don’t
Amanpour: don’t you think they will figure it out when Mubarak updates his Facebook page?
Gingrich: no they don’t get the Internet in Syria
or Texas
Amanpour: you loved Mubarak once - not without cause
Gingrich: right - look my position is very very clear - we should maintain two conflicting policies
Amanpour: Obama openly supported the protesters
Gingrich: but he cut funds to them
Amanpour: so you support democracy there?
Gingrich: no I don’t because the Muslim Brotherhood is scary
Amanpour: so what do we do now?
Gingrich: threaten to pull our $1 billion in aid if they don’t put in a friendly government
Amanpour: why would you do that
Gingrich: because America stands for freedom
Amanpour: what does that mean concretely?
Gingrich: demand the Muslim Brotherhood be banned from participation in democracy
Amanpour: why would you do that?
Gingrich: they are conservative radicals who have a 30-year to plan to take over the government starting with the schools
Amanpour: I didn’t know the tea party was in Egypt
Amanpour: How do you reconcile democracy with fear of Muslims?
Gingrich: Did you know Adolf Hitler was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Zimbabwe?
Amanpour: you are fascinating - are you running
for President?
Gingrich: yes - it’s a great way to scam money from people
Amanpour: excellent
[ break ]
Amanpour: Who is in charge of Egypt?
Shoukry: the Supreme Military Council
Amanpour: that’s very comforting - but what
about democracy?
Shoukry: we’ll get to that in due time
Amanpour: what about the Emergency Law?
Shoukry: we need to keep that - this is a real emergency
Amanpour: and elections?
Shoukry: we will have those in a year or ten
Amanpour: nice - will the new government be pro-America?
Shoukry: it will be pro-Egypt
Amanpour: where is Mubarak?
Shoukry: I’m not sure - he Tweeted me from Disneyworld
Amanpour: what about the peace treaty with Israel?
Shoukry: it’s very nice - after all who wants war?
Amanpour: George Bush did
Shoukry: ah but he said he didn’t
Amanpour: that’s what worries me
Martha Raddatz: People in Yemen are protesting
but it’s scary because it’s a major breeding ground for al-qaeda
Audience: oooh
Raddatz: the failed underpants bomber was trained in Yemen
Audience: eeek
Radd: the U.S. has given Yemen’s military $250 million to fight al-qaeda and it is stronger than ever
Audience: umm ok
Radd: then the U.S. government killed a few
Yemen civilians
Audience: oops sorry
Yemenis: kaithnx America
Meet The Press - February 13, 2011
Speaker John Boehner (R-OH)
Rep. Bobby Schilling - (R-IL)
Kasim Reed - (D-Mayor Atlanta)
Dee Dee Myers
David Brooks
Mark Halperin
Gregory: holy shit after 18 days of protests
Mubarak quit
Engel: things are returning back to normal in Cairo
Gregory: amazing
Engel: doctors, lawyers and even police are demonstrating demanding an end to corrupt outdated institutions like the state internal
security ministry and cable news
Gregory: oh dear
Engel: the army suspended the constitution, dissolved the parliament and took over the country
Gregory: now I feel better
Gregory: it seems like reform is sweeping the middle east
Indyk: Qadaffi could be next - fancy epaulets
only take you so far
Gregory: did Tweetdeck bring down a dictator?
Wright: the young cyber-generation are bringing down the powerful and now they have to govern
Gregory: this is what terrifies me
Indyk: forget the Muslim Brotherhood
- do we want to be governed by a bunch of iPod-hooked teenagers??
Gregory: what about Iran?
Wright: Iran says it supports the Egyptian protesters and it shows it by shooting Iranian protesters
Gregory: Republicans have raised doubts
about Obama
Audience: that is shocking indeed
Gregory: welcome Mr. Speaker
Boehner: thanks
Gregory: does the GOP think Obama pushed Mubarak out too fast?
Boehner: we need to support freedom
Gregory: Rick Santorum doesn’t think so
Boehner: well he’s an idiot
Gregory: so you don’t like Murbarak?
Boehner: we need to listen to people crying
out for freedom
[ starts crying ]
Gregory: I see
Boehner: they’re crying for freedom fluffy [ sobs ]
Gregory: what does worry you?
Boehner: we can’t support violent crazy radicals who don’t supports right or democracy
Gregory: we’ll get to the tea party later
Gregory: what makes you think the Egyptians are ready for democracy?
Boehner: I believe freedom and low taxes are a god-given right
Gregory: Obama didn’t see this coming!
Boehner: well nobody’s perfect
Gregory: but aren’t you terribly disappointed?
Boehner: no
Gregory: jesus fucking christ who do I have to invite on to get someone to bash Obama?!?!?
Boehner: sobs
Gregory: the tea party is mad at you
Boehner: I know! [ sniffles ]
Gregory: will you at least fulfill your pledge to cut $100 billion from the budget?
Boehner: yes whatever shuts those loons up
Gregory: will you cut critical programs and damage the recovery
Boehner: when are we going to get serious about cutting spending?
Gregory: ok get serious and cut the defense budget
Boehner: Obama’s excessive spending causes unemployment
Gregory: oh I see
Boehner: we must cut spending now!
Gregory: won’t that cause another recession?
Boehner: no cutting spending will create jobs
Gregory: how does that work?
Boehner: because businesses will see Washington get serious about the debt and hire the people their business needs
Gregory: um yeah
Boehner: After big spending under Reagan, Bush I, Bush II it’s finally time to cut spending
Gregory: so cut Social Security!
Boehner: look David you and I both want to cut Social Security but not every Americans realize it’s necessary and it’s up to you and I educate them
Gregory: I’m on it
Gregory: shouldn’t the government get out of mortgage business?
Boehner: damm right
Gregory: won’t that collapse the housing market?
Boehner: it would have before but recent experience shows that the private sector can handle the private mortgage market
Gregory: Do you believe Obama is from Kenya
Boehner: he could be
Gregory: shouldn’t you stand up to utter ignorance?
Boehner: it’s not our job to tell people to the truth - we have to listen to the American people
Gregory: interesting perspective
Boehner: look people read a lot of things it’s not our job to traffic in truth
Gregory: Is your party trying to convince people Obama is Kenyan-Muslim-Marxist
Boehner: no I’m trying to convince people he borrows-and-spends so much he is almost as bad Reagan, George Bush or George W Bush
Boehner: you say people in Washington are trying to snuff out the American dream
Boehner: right
Gregory: but you’re Speaker of the House
Boehner: technically
Gregory: Rep. Chris Lee resigned because he put a shirtless picture of himself on the Internet
Boehner: Shitless Rep in Tasteless Move
Gregory: heh
Boehner: we will not tolerate immorality in the party that does not involve passing out checks from lobbyists on the House floor
Gregory: isn’t Obama doomed?
Boehner: you have persuaded me Fluffy
Gregory: who is the front runner in the GOP race in 2012 out of Romney, Huckabee, Palin and Paul?
Boehner: good god - hopefully someone else will come forward
Gregory: what do you need in a candidate?
Boehner: someone who can spout bullshit
really skillfully
Gregory: what about the tea party
Boehner: I love those gun-toting lunatics
[ break ]
Gregory: let us turn to our Egypt expert David Books
Brooks: John Boehner supports Obama which means he must have really screwed up
Halperin: Iran terrifies me
Gregory: what terrifies you pizza man?
Schilling: I am terrified of war with Israel and pineapple toppings
Gregory: If you are not Boehner’s clone whose
clone are you
Schilling: I created by cross-fertilizing the DNA of Ronald Reagan and Ayn Rand
Gregory: the leaders are already compromising on the promises they made to the tea party -
are you furious?
Schilling: no they gave me a key to the Congressional bathroom and I folded
like a cheap suit
Gregory: you get one of those anyway
Schilling: oh
Reed: we need be honest about spending
Gregory: there’s a split between Big Spenders and Cutters
Myers: the real split is in the Republican party between the Crazy and Corporate
Brooks: these brave brave Republicans are cutting important programs but aren’t really willing to cut anything big
Schilling: I’m sick of tired of the direction of this nation since we elected a Democrat President
Gregory: so what do you want
Schilling: we must cut entitlements!
Gregory: like what specifically
Schilling: I don’t know that’s not my job -
I’m a small businessman
Gregory: But you’re in Congress now
Schilling: I am - holy shit
Halperin: with all due respect to the Congressman he’s an idiot
Brooks: I have good news - there are some people in Congress willing to eliminate Social Security
Gregory: thank god
Reed: just cut it already so we can prepare
Gregory: Ron Paul won the CPAC 2012 straw poll!
Halperin: It’s between Gingrich, Romney Huckabee and
“Unnamed Not Crazy Person”
Myers: the GOP nomination always goes the Respectable White Male which is Mitt Romney but this is not your father’s GOP
Schilling: The Tea Party is going demand an insane nominee
Gregory: can Obama win if unemployment is still high?
Reed: yeah he will probably have to
Gregory: how about Jeb Bush and Obama’s Ambassador to China?
Brooks: and Donald Trump
Gregory: wow!
Brooks: I’m mocking you Fluffy
Gregory: so who is a serious candidate?
Brook: John Thune - he’s so dreamy looking!
Gregory: can Obama lose?
Halperin: yes when he screws up Egypt by excessively supporting democracy
Gregory: ha journalists are thin-skinned and demanding and that’s Meet The Press
Speaker John Boehner (R-OH)
Rep. Bobby Schilling - (R-IL)
Kasim Reed - (D-Mayor Atlanta)
Dee Dee Myers
David Brooks
Mark Halperin
Gregory: holy shit after 18 days of protests
Mubarak quit
Engel: things are returning back to normal in Cairo
Gregory: amazing
Engel: doctors, lawyers and even police are demonstrating demanding an end to corrupt outdated institutions like the state internal
security ministry and cable news
Gregory: oh dear
Engel: the army suspended the constitution, dissolved the parliament and took over the country
Gregory: now I feel better
Gregory: it seems like reform is sweeping the middle east
Indyk: Qadaffi could be next - fancy epaulets
only take you so far
Gregory: did Tweetdeck bring down a dictator?
Wright: the young cyber-generation are bringing down the powerful and now they have to govern
Gregory: this is what terrifies me
Indyk: forget the Muslim Brotherhood
- do we want to be governed by a bunch of iPod-hooked teenagers??
Gregory: what about Iran?
Wright: Iran says it supports the Egyptian protesters and it shows it by shooting Iranian protesters
Gregory: Republicans have raised doubts
about Obama
Audience: that is shocking indeed
Gregory: welcome Mr. Speaker
Boehner: thanks
Gregory: does the GOP think Obama pushed Mubarak out too fast?
Boehner: we need to support freedom
Gregory: Rick Santorum doesn’t think so
Boehner: well he’s an idiot
Gregory: so you don’t like Murbarak?
Boehner: we need to listen to people crying
out for freedom
[ starts crying ]
Gregory: I see
Boehner: they’re crying for freedom fluffy [ sobs ]
Gregory: what does worry you?
Boehner: we can’t support violent crazy radicals who don’t supports right or democracy
Gregory: we’ll get to the tea party later
Gregory: what makes you think the Egyptians are ready for democracy?
Boehner: I believe freedom and low taxes are a god-given right
Gregory: Obama didn’t see this coming!
Boehner: well nobody’s perfect
Gregory: but aren’t you terribly disappointed?
Boehner: no
Gregory: jesus fucking christ who do I have to invite on to get someone to bash Obama?!?!?
Boehner: sobs
Gregory: the tea party is mad at you
Boehner: I know! [ sniffles ]
Gregory: will you at least fulfill your pledge to cut $100 billion from the budget?
Boehner: yes whatever shuts those loons up
Gregory: will you cut critical programs and damage the recovery
Boehner: when are we going to get serious about cutting spending?
Gregory: ok get serious and cut the defense budget
Boehner: Obama’s excessive spending causes unemployment
Gregory: oh I see
Boehner: we must cut spending now!
Gregory: won’t that cause another recession?
Boehner: no cutting spending will create jobs
Gregory: how does that work?
Boehner: because businesses will see Washington get serious about the debt and hire the people their business needs
Gregory: um yeah
Boehner: After big spending under Reagan, Bush I, Bush II it’s finally time to cut spending
Gregory: so cut Social Security!
Boehner: look David you and I both want to cut Social Security but not every Americans realize it’s necessary and it’s up to you and I educate them
Gregory: I’m on it
Gregory: shouldn’t the government get out of mortgage business?
Boehner: damm right
Gregory: won’t that collapse the housing market?
Boehner: it would have before but recent experience shows that the private sector can handle the private mortgage market
Gregory: Do you believe Obama is from Kenya
Boehner: he could be
Gregory: shouldn’t you stand up to utter ignorance?
Boehner: it’s not our job to tell people to the truth - we have to listen to the American people
Gregory: interesting perspective
Boehner: look people read a lot of things it’s not our job to traffic in truth
Gregory: Is your party trying to convince people Obama is Kenyan-Muslim-Marxist
Boehner: no I’m trying to convince people he borrows-and-spends so much he is almost as bad Reagan, George Bush or George W Bush
Boehner: you say people in Washington are trying to snuff out the American dream
Boehner: right
Gregory: but you’re Speaker of the House
Boehner: technically
Gregory: Rep. Chris Lee resigned because he put a shirtless picture of himself on the Internet
Boehner: Shitless Rep in Tasteless Move
Gregory: heh
Boehner: we will not tolerate immorality in the party that does not involve passing out checks from lobbyists on the House floor
Gregory: isn’t Obama doomed?
Boehner: you have persuaded me Fluffy
Gregory: who is the front runner in the GOP race in 2012 out of Romney, Huckabee, Palin and Paul?
Boehner: good god - hopefully someone else will come forward
Gregory: what do you need in a candidate?
Boehner: someone who can spout bullshit
really skillfully
Gregory: what about the tea party
Boehner: I love those gun-toting lunatics
[ break ]
Gregory: let us turn to our Egypt expert David Books
Brooks: John Boehner supports Obama which means he must have really screwed up
Halperin: Iran terrifies me
Gregory: what terrifies you pizza man?
Schilling: I am terrified of war with Israel and pineapple toppings
Gregory: If you are not Boehner’s clone whose
clone are you
Schilling: I created by cross-fertilizing the DNA of Ronald Reagan and Ayn Rand
Gregory: the leaders are already compromising on the promises they made to the tea party -
are you furious?
Schilling: no they gave me a key to the Congressional bathroom and I folded
like a cheap suit
Gregory: you get one of those anyway
Schilling: oh
Reed: we need be honest about spending
Gregory: there’s a split between Big Spenders and Cutters
Myers: the real split is in the Republican party between the Crazy and Corporate
Brooks: these brave brave Republicans are cutting important programs but aren’t really willing to cut anything big
Schilling: I’m sick of tired of the direction of this nation since we elected a Democrat President
Gregory: so what do you want
Schilling: we must cut entitlements!
Gregory: like what specifically
Schilling: I don’t know that’s not my job -
I’m a small businessman
Gregory: But you’re in Congress now
Schilling: I am - holy shit
Halperin: with all due respect to the Congressman he’s an idiot
Brooks: I have good news - there are some people in Congress willing to eliminate Social Security
Gregory: thank god
Reed: just cut it already so we can prepare
Gregory: Ron Paul won the CPAC 2012 straw poll!
Halperin: It’s between Gingrich, Romney Huckabee and
“Unnamed Not Crazy Person”
Myers: the GOP nomination always goes the Respectable White Male which is Mitt Romney but this is not your father’s GOP
Schilling: The Tea Party is going demand an insane nominee
Gregory: can Obama win if unemployment is still high?
Reed: yeah he will probably have to
Gregory: how about Jeb Bush and Obama’s Ambassador to China?
Brooks: and Donald Trump
Gregory: wow!
Brooks: I’m mocking you Fluffy
Gregory: so who is a serious candidate?
Brook: John Thune - he’s so dreamy looking!
Gregory: can Obama lose?
Halperin: yes when he screws up Egypt by excessively supporting democracy
Gregory: ha journalists are thin-skinned and demanding and that’s Meet The Press
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Meet The Press - February 6, 2011
Mohamed Elbaradei
Sameh Shoukry - Egypt Amb. to U.S.
Sen. John Kerry (D-MA)
James Baker
Peggy Noonan
Willie Brown
Andrea Mitchell
Gregory: Mohamed is it your position that
Mubarak must leave?
Elbaradei: no he can stay in Egypt after he
resigns in humiliation
Gregory: so you’re saying he has to leave Egypt
Elbaradei: no Fluffy - I’m saying he has to cede power gradually before I’m elected President
Gregory: will you bash Obama for me
Elbaradei: he should support basic human rights like democracy, freedom and access to Facebook
Gregory: should Americans be terrified of Arab democracy?
Elbaradei: yes if you are scared of democracy all across the Middle East because it’s coming baby
Gregory: aaarrrhhhhh!!!
Elbaradei: I was being sarcastic and you are
an insult to 300 million people
Gregory: sorry I love Arabs
Elbaradei: I was referring to Americans
Gregory: what abut the peace treaty with Israel?
Elbaradei: not unless they establish a
Palestinian state
Gregory: OMG you’re going to start a war!!!
Elbaradei: make of that whatever you want
[ break ]
Gregory: Ambasador is this an unstoppable revolution?
Shoukry: well it’s very nice
Gregory: but you can never go back again
Shoukry: true enough
Gregory: when will Mubarak quit?
Shoukry: I don’t know - he’s gotten really weird lately
Gregory: like how
Shoukry: he just goes on and on about what a
freak Steven Tyler is
Gregory: Obama says he should quit now
Shoukry: Regardless you’re not getting Simon Cowell back
Gregory: I meant Mubarak
Shoukry: oh that -- yes but Obama also said this is an Egyptian problem so really Mubarak might
as well stay
Gregory: Mubarak unleashed goon squads on journalists!
Shoukry: we’re going to investigate our thugs and why they fucked up - I tell that would never happened in the old days
Gregory: with all due respect that’s ridiculous
Shoukry: bite me Fluffy
Gregory: Should Americans be terrified of
Muslim democracy?
Shoukry: if you’re a normal person no --
but if you watch a lot of Fox news then yes
Gregory: thanks buddy
[ break ]
Gregory: what do you think of Egypt John
Kerry: it’s awesome - they’re lifting the state of emergency which will allow people to meet at a café which as well all know is a prelude to democracy
Starbucks: darn right
Obama: Mubarak should leave
Wisner: it’s critical for Mubarak to stay
Gregory: wha?
Kerry: Obama is flooding the zone with
Germans and Turks!!
Gregory: holy crap!
Kerry: we want orderly change
Gregory: when?
Kerry: now!
Gregory: when will that happen
Kerry: it is happening as we speak Greggers
Gregory: but what minute of hour of what day?
Kerry: um you know Egypt isn’t actually part
of the United States
Gregory: why do you hate America-Egypt
Kerry: elections don’t bring democracy - look at Bush v. Gore
Gregory: How is it possible that Obama didn’t see everything happening in Egypt!?
Kerry: because fuck you
Gregory: that hurts John
Kerry: the whole revolution happened on Facebook and Twitter - only weirdos and losers are on those
Gregory: I’m on both all the time
Kerry: well there you go then
[ break ]
Gregory: I’m here at a shrine to Ronald Reagan -- look at that big airplane and this historic piece
of furniture!
Audience: woo hoo
Gregory: James Baker you’re a lawyer from Texas - so tell us about Egypt
Baker: if one-party rule is good enough for Texas it should be good enough for Egypt
Gregory: But shouldn’t we petrified of
democracy there??
Baker: the radicals are frightening
Gregory: damm hippies
Baker: I meant the neocons
Gregory: let’s bash Obama!
Mitchell: Fluffy the last thing the region needs is for America to be seen as installing a government
Gregory: oh
Mitchell: they are getting every nation to pile on Mubarak and it’s working
Gregory: god I loved it when Reagan said tear down this wall and Gorby ignored him for 2 years
Noonan: so awesome
Gregory: doesn’t this mean Obama is a total failure compared to Reagan?
Noonan: Fluffy even I think that’s stupid
Brown: America fuck yeah!
Gregory: let us now all celebrate Reagan
Noonan: Regan deepened faith in government
Audience: of course he did
Noonan: everyone was optimistic when Reagan was President - even homeless veterans with aids dreamed of financing fancy German-made cardboard boxes with junk bonds
Gregory: what a glorious time it was
Gregory: James Baker will you please bash
Barack Obama for me
Baker: I heard you were a moron
Gregory: But Reagan torn down the Manila Wall !!
Baker: Gregory you’re not the solution to our problems - you are the problem
Gregory: wasn’t Reagan right when he said government sucks and proved it for 8 years
Brown: yes but he had practice wrecking
California before that
Gregory: he raised taxes too though
Mitchell: conservative lunatics now all want to be Reagan - but he compromised with Democrats all the time
Noonan: In 1964 Regan bravely explained civil rights were a Soviet plot
Gregory: what would Saint Ronnie think of the
Tea Party?
Baker: he would love it but they would hate him because Reagan was all about bipartisanship
Gregory: really?
Baker: he knew when to hold ‘em and fold ‘em
Gregory: he was like Kenny Rogers without the chicken
Baker: Working in Hollywood prepared him for dealing scum and villany around the world
Gregory: ha ha ha Newsweek says Obama loves Reagan
Brown: Obama failed because of all those loser progressives
Gregory: honestly were deregulation and deficits such great ideas?
Baker: those never happened
Gregory: Obama said we should do big things - That’s So Reagan
Noonan: look here’s where the bullet bounced
right off Reagan
Gregory: wow
Gregory: and here’s that famous line after the Challenger explosion
Noonan: yes that’s from a wonderful famous poem
Gregory: what - I’m so disillusioned
Noonan: sorry Greggers
Gregory: and we will have 7 more hours of Reagan coverage today
Audience: it’s the SuperBowl of Adulation
Mohamed Elbaradei
Sameh Shoukry - Egypt Amb. to U.S.
Sen. John Kerry (D-MA)
James Baker
Peggy Noonan
Willie Brown
Andrea Mitchell
Gregory: Mohamed is it your position that
Mubarak must leave?
Elbaradei: no he can stay in Egypt after he
resigns in humiliation
Gregory: so you’re saying he has to leave Egypt
Elbaradei: no Fluffy - I’m saying he has to cede power gradually before I’m elected President
Gregory: will you bash Obama for me
Elbaradei: he should support basic human rights like democracy, freedom and access to Facebook
Gregory: should Americans be terrified of Arab democracy?
Elbaradei: yes if you are scared of democracy all across the Middle East because it’s coming baby
Gregory: aaarrrhhhhh!!!
Elbaradei: I was being sarcastic and you are
an insult to 300 million people
Gregory: sorry I love Arabs
Elbaradei: I was referring to Americans
Gregory: what abut the peace treaty with Israel?
Elbaradei: not unless they establish a
Palestinian state
Gregory: OMG you’re going to start a war!!!
Elbaradei: make of that whatever you want
[ break ]
Gregory: Ambasador is this an unstoppable revolution?
Shoukry: well it’s very nice
Gregory: but you can never go back again
Shoukry: true enough
Gregory: when will Mubarak quit?
Shoukry: I don’t know - he’s gotten really weird lately
Gregory: like how
Shoukry: he just goes on and on about what a
freak Steven Tyler is
Gregory: Obama says he should quit now
Shoukry: Regardless you’re not getting Simon Cowell back
Gregory: I meant Mubarak
Shoukry: oh that -- yes but Obama also said this is an Egyptian problem so really Mubarak might
as well stay
Gregory: Mubarak unleashed goon squads on journalists!
Shoukry: we’re going to investigate our thugs and why they fucked up - I tell that would never happened in the old days
Gregory: with all due respect that’s ridiculous
Shoukry: bite me Fluffy
Gregory: Should Americans be terrified of
Muslim democracy?
Shoukry: if you’re a normal person no --
but if you watch a lot of Fox news then yes
Gregory: thanks buddy
[ break ]
Gregory: what do you think of Egypt John
Kerry: it’s awesome - they’re lifting the state of emergency which will allow people to meet at a café which as well all know is a prelude to democracy
Starbucks: darn right
Obama: Mubarak should leave
Wisner: it’s critical for Mubarak to stay
Gregory: wha?
Kerry: Obama is flooding the zone with
Germans and Turks!!
Gregory: holy crap!
Kerry: we want orderly change
Gregory: when?
Kerry: now!
Gregory: when will that happen
Kerry: it is happening as we speak Greggers
Gregory: but what minute of hour of what day?
Kerry: um you know Egypt isn’t actually part
of the United States
Gregory: why do you hate America-Egypt
Kerry: elections don’t bring democracy - look at Bush v. Gore
Gregory: How is it possible that Obama didn’t see everything happening in Egypt!?
Kerry: because fuck you
Gregory: that hurts John
Kerry: the whole revolution happened on Facebook and Twitter - only weirdos and losers are on those
Gregory: I’m on both all the time
Kerry: well there you go then
[ break ]
Gregory: I’m here at a shrine to Ronald Reagan -- look at that big airplane and this historic piece
of furniture!
Audience: woo hoo
Gregory: James Baker you’re a lawyer from Texas - so tell us about Egypt
Baker: if one-party rule is good enough for Texas it should be good enough for Egypt
Gregory: But shouldn’t we petrified of
democracy there??
Baker: the radicals are frightening
Gregory: damm hippies
Baker: I meant the neocons
Gregory: let’s bash Obama!
Mitchell: Fluffy the last thing the region needs is for America to be seen as installing a government
Gregory: oh
Mitchell: they are getting every nation to pile on Mubarak and it’s working
Gregory: god I loved it when Reagan said tear down this wall and Gorby ignored him for 2 years
Noonan: so awesome
Gregory: doesn’t this mean Obama is a total failure compared to Reagan?
Noonan: Fluffy even I think that’s stupid
Brown: America fuck yeah!
Gregory: let us now all celebrate Reagan
Noonan: Regan deepened faith in government
Audience: of course he did
Noonan: everyone was optimistic when Reagan was President - even homeless veterans with aids dreamed of financing fancy German-made cardboard boxes with junk bonds
Gregory: what a glorious time it was
Gregory: James Baker will you please bash
Barack Obama for me
Baker: I heard you were a moron
Gregory: But Reagan torn down the Manila Wall !!
Baker: Gregory you’re not the solution to our problems - you are the problem
Gregory: wasn’t Reagan right when he said government sucks and proved it for 8 years
Brown: yes but he had practice wrecking
California before that
Gregory: he raised taxes too though
Mitchell: conservative lunatics now all want to be Reagan - but he compromised with Democrats all the time
Noonan: In 1964 Regan bravely explained civil rights were a Soviet plot
Gregory: what would Saint Ronnie think of the
Tea Party?
Baker: he would love it but they would hate him because Reagan was all about bipartisanship
Gregory: really?
Baker: he knew when to hold ‘em and fold ‘em
Gregory: he was like Kenny Rogers without the chicken
Baker: Working in Hollywood prepared him for dealing scum and villany around the world
Gregory: ha ha ha Newsweek says Obama loves Reagan
Brown: Obama failed because of all those loser progressives
Gregory: honestly were deregulation and deficits such great ideas?
Baker: those never happened
Gregory: Obama said we should do big things - That’s So Reagan
Noonan: look here’s where the bullet bounced
right off Reagan
Gregory: wow
Gregory: and here’s that famous line after the Challenger explosion
Noonan: yes that’s from a wonderful famous poem
Gregory: what - I’m so disillusioned
Noonan: sorry Greggers
Gregory: and we will have 7 more hours of Reagan coverage today
Audience: it’s the SuperBowl of Adulation
This Week with Christiane Amanpour - February 6, 2011
Omar Suleiman - V.P of Egypt
Sameh Shoukry: Egypt Amb. to U.S.
Amanpour: it’s been an epic week in Egypt and we’ve got all the major players on the show today
Audience: yay
Amanpour: all the protesters were optimistic -
they are singing and yelling against the government for the first time in 30 years
Protester: suck it Mubarak!
Amanpour: then we ran into pro-authoritarian protesters who fear chaos
Pro-mubarak protester: damm hippies
Protester: Mubarak has done a lot of good
but he’s become a tragic figure
Murbarak: send in the camels!
Protesters: to the paving stones!
Thugs: go away journalists!
Protesters: we’re not leaving!
[ break ]
Amanpour: Hosni will you quit?
Mubarak: I’m fed up and I want to retire
Amanpour: so why don’t you?
Mubarak: I can’t my pension was with Bear Stearns!
Amanpour: hey protesters I met with Mubarak
Protestors: omg what did he say
Amanpour: he said he already met your demands
Protestor: what a dick
[ break ]
Amanpour: you are meeting the opposition parties?
Suleiman: right
Amanpour: including Elbaradei?
Suleiman: no he’s too popular
Amanpour: will you transition to true democracy?
Suleiman: we will if you do
Amanpour: Murbark wants to quit but he
doesn’t want to rush it
Suleiman: things are too chaotic right now
Amanpour: will you run for President?
Suleiman: hell no that’s a thankless job
Amanpour: why not
Suleiman: please I want to keep my head
Amanpour: what is going on in the streets of the Middle East?
Suleiman: that’s all outside agitators
Amanpour: you can’t really believe that
Suleiman: yes - all foreigners with their sinister ideas about free speech
Amanpour: but now the youth have the Internet
Suleiman: they are being instigated by vicious outsiders like Israel and Mark Zuckerberg
Amanpour: Do you even believe in democracy?
Suleiman: for sure someday - like in 30 years
Amanpour: what do you want from the opposition?
Suleiman: Patience - give us 5 more years of ignoring them
Amanpour: what message do you have for the people in Tahrir Square?
Suleiman: go away
Amanpour: thanks very much
[ break ]
Amanpour: So the government is now meeting
with the Muslim Brotherhood
Shoukry: yes but it shouldn’t go to their heads
Amanpour: what happens now?
Shoukry: before fleeing for their lives government officials needs to steal everything not nailed down
Amanpour: Obama said you guys should
try democracy
Shoukry: true but he also said Egyptians have to solve this on their which we took to mean dictators are still cool
Amanpour: you have had a State of Emergency
for decades
Shoukry: right but a week of protests prove everything is fine now
Amanpour: why were journalists purposefully attacked?
Shoukry: that’s terrible but you know as Rumsfeld says democracy is messy
Amanpour: protestors were also beaten and shot
Shoukry: well emotions were running high
Amanpour: thanks a bunch Ambassador
Amanpour: Mubarak told me he never intended for his idiot son become President
George H. W. Bush: hey neither did I
Tapper: ha ha Obama didn’t see all the protests
in Egypt coming
Mubarak: um yeah what an idiot
Tapper: ha silly Obama -- all focused on the
State of the Union
Biden: I like Mubarak- we play poker every Friday
Tapper: Obama told Mubarak to fire his cabinet and he did - ha clueless Obama
Clinton: there needs to be reform and an orderly transition
Obama: Hosni you can’t run again and you have
to quit
Mubarak: for reals Barack?
Tapper: ha Obama has critics who have their
doubts about him
Audience: oooh he’s not the messiah
Amanpour: What does the White House say now?
Tapper: they want elections to be held later so other groups can catch up to the Muslim Brotherhood
Audience: but I thought Obama was a secret Muslim
Tapper: he is - but Obama is part of the Brotherhood of Muslims -- they hate those fake splitters the Muslim Brotherhood
Audience: I see
Amanpour: in other news the government has lifted the ban on text messaging
Tapper: lol r u on twitter #sillyobama
Omar Suleiman - V.P of Egypt
Sameh Shoukry: Egypt Amb. to U.S.
Amanpour: it’s been an epic week in Egypt and we’ve got all the major players on the show today
Audience: yay
Amanpour: all the protesters were optimistic -
they are singing and yelling against the government for the first time in 30 years
Protester: suck it Mubarak!
Amanpour: then we ran into pro-authoritarian protesters who fear chaos
Pro-mubarak protester: damm hippies
Protester: Mubarak has done a lot of good
but he’s become a tragic figure
Murbarak: send in the camels!
Protesters: to the paving stones!
Thugs: go away journalists!
Protesters: we’re not leaving!
[ break ]
Amanpour: Hosni will you quit?
Mubarak: I’m fed up and I want to retire
Amanpour: so why don’t you?
Mubarak: I can’t my pension was with Bear Stearns!
Amanpour: hey protesters I met with Mubarak
Protestors: omg what did he say
Amanpour: he said he already met your demands
Protestor: what a dick
[ break ]
Amanpour: you are meeting the opposition parties?
Suleiman: right
Amanpour: including Elbaradei?
Suleiman: no he’s too popular
Amanpour: will you transition to true democracy?
Suleiman: we will if you do
Amanpour: Murbark wants to quit but he
doesn’t want to rush it
Suleiman: things are too chaotic right now
Amanpour: will you run for President?
Suleiman: hell no that’s a thankless job
Amanpour: why not
Suleiman: please I want to keep my head
Amanpour: what is going on in the streets of the Middle East?
Suleiman: that’s all outside agitators
Amanpour: you can’t really believe that
Suleiman: yes - all foreigners with their sinister ideas about free speech
Amanpour: but now the youth have the Internet
Suleiman: they are being instigated by vicious outsiders like Israel and Mark Zuckerberg
Amanpour: Do you even believe in democracy?
Suleiman: for sure someday - like in 30 years
Amanpour: what do you want from the opposition?
Suleiman: Patience - give us 5 more years of ignoring them
Amanpour: what message do you have for the people in Tahrir Square?
Suleiman: go away
Amanpour: thanks very much
[ break ]
Amanpour: So the government is now meeting
with the Muslim Brotherhood
Shoukry: yes but it shouldn’t go to their heads
Amanpour: what happens now?
Shoukry: before fleeing for their lives government officials needs to steal everything not nailed down
Amanpour: Obama said you guys should
try democracy
Shoukry: true but he also said Egyptians have to solve this on their which we took to mean dictators are still cool
Amanpour: you have had a State of Emergency
for decades
Shoukry: right but a week of protests prove everything is fine now
Amanpour: why were journalists purposefully attacked?
Shoukry: that’s terrible but you know as Rumsfeld says democracy is messy
Amanpour: protestors were also beaten and shot
Shoukry: well emotions were running high
Amanpour: thanks a bunch Ambassador
Amanpour: Mubarak told me he never intended for his idiot son become President
George H. W. Bush: hey neither did I
Tapper: ha ha Obama didn’t see all the protests
in Egypt coming
Mubarak: um yeah what an idiot
Tapper: ha silly Obama -- all focused on the
State of the Union
Biden: I like Mubarak- we play poker every Friday
Tapper: Obama told Mubarak to fire his cabinet and he did - ha clueless Obama
Clinton: there needs to be reform and an orderly transition
Obama: Hosni you can’t run again and you have
to quit
Mubarak: for reals Barack?
Tapper: ha Obama has critics who have their
doubts about him
Audience: oooh he’s not the messiah
Amanpour: What does the White House say now?
Tapper: they want elections to be held later so other groups can catch up to the Muslim Brotherhood
Audience: but I thought Obama was a secret Muslim
Tapper: he is - but Obama is part of the Brotherhood of Muslims -- they hate those fake splitters the Muslim Brotherhood
Audience: I see
Amanpour: in other news the government has lifted the ban on text messaging
Tapper: lol r u on twitter #sillyobama
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